Sehun's Version

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Hey guys!

I know I haven't really written any other stories or done any special chapters but I've been really busy with school and work and well you all know how that goes.

I wanted to announce that I am writing a SEHUN VERSION  of this story DEMON LOVERS.

The entire story will be in Sehun's Point of view and there will be extra scenes and different things that happened but were not written in DEMON LOVERS or was taken out. It will also explain Sehun's feelings and motives  and explain a bit of Kai and Angel's relationship.

Another big thing that you guys have been personally messaging me on is the former Queen. She will also be explained and her relationship with Sehun will be brought into the light.

If you guys have any thoughts, questions, or just wanted to say something please comment or personally message me and I will answer all of you!

Thanks I love you guys!❤️

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