Special Chapter!

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Natalie's POV:

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake Up!" I woke up to Minah jumping in Taehyung and I's bed.

I looked over and saw Taehyung sit up. He lifted her up and snorted in her neck. "Okay, we're up early bird!" He kissed her cheek.

"Good morning dad!" She giggled. I sat up and smiled.

"Morning princess." She ran over to me and hugged me.

"Morning mama." She giggled.

"Someone's happy today." I smiled.

"Yeah, wanna know why?"

"Why?" Taehyung asked.

"Because today is the day I'm going to be a real princess!" She twirled around in our bed.

"I know, I can't believe it. My little girl is already 5." Taehyung held his heart and pretended he got shot.

"Daddy, I'm gonna become a big girl soon. We need to let each other go sooner or later, right mama?"

I laughed. "Well, I don't know about letting each other go. But we do need to let you grow up. Now go take a bath so I can get you dressed and do your hair."

"Okay mama." She walked out the room. I turned over and faced Tae.

"I feel like just yesterday I gave birth to that." I fake cried.

"I know, she's growing up so fast." He replied.

"Come on we need to get ready." I kissed him softly before I got out of bed and walked to the shower. I took a really quick one and brushed my hair pretty quick. I tied it in a bun and but on shorts and a shirt. I don't want to get anything ruin so I'll get ready later.

I walked into Minah's room and saw her coming out the bathroom. I walked towards her. "Come on sweetie let's get you ready." She walked towards me. I finished drying her off. I put a baggy shirt on her and underwear. I led her to the prepping table so I could brush her hair. I parted her light brown hair to the side and put a pink headband with pink flowers on it. "Ready for your dress?" I asked.

She nodded her head. I grabbed her dress and helped her slide it on. She twirled around in it after looking in the mirror. "Mommy, I look pretty." She smiled.

"You always look pretty my love." I hugged and kissed her.

"Your turn to get ready mommy."

"Okay, okay." I giggled. She wanted me to keep my dress in her room, so I walked to her closet and grabbed it. I laid it on her bed. I walked over to the prepping table and sat down. I brushed my hair again. "How should I do my hair Minah?"

She looked at me for a second. "Do two braids, cause you have to wear a crown." She smiled.

"You're so smart." I laughed. I Dutch braided two braids in my hair and then slipped on my black and red dress. I put my crown on and looked in the mirror.

"You look so pretty mama."

"Thanks sweat heart." I picked her up and kissed her. I thought I loved Taehyung a lot. But the amount of love I have for this little girl is unbelievable. I'll do anything for her.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled.

Taehyung opened the door. "Wah! My gorgeous ladies." He smiled.

"Hi daddy!" Minah ran to Taehyung. He lifted her up and spun her around.

"Hi my love." He kissed her cheek.

I looked at Taehyung, good he's wearing everything he's suppose to. Wait no, where's his crown?! "Babe, where's your crown?" I asked.

"Oh right, I'm still not use to being a king." He snapped his fingers causing the crown to appear on his head.

"Alright let's get going." I said. I picked up Minah and teleported to the gate of GeHenna. He let us through.

We teleported again to the castle. There we saw Onew waiting for us. "Onew, it's so nice to see you." I said as I gave him a side hug."

"Onew! Onew!" Minah jumped into his arms.

"Hi to you to Minah." Onew chuckled.

"Is everything for today prepared?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes your highness, all the preparations are taken care of. All you have to do is show up." Onew informed us.

I looked down at Minah and squatted till I was more or less her height. I grabbed her arms and pulled her towards me. "Okay sweetie, I know you know what to do. Daddy and I are so proud of you. We'll see you in a bit." I kissed her forehead and gave her a quick hug.

"Don't worry mama, I'll make you happy." She smiled. Taehyung gave her a hug.

"You already make us happy." He smiled.

"Go with Onew, we'll be waiting for you." I locked arms with Taehyung and walked towards the entrance to the coronation hall.

I heard trumpets go off. "Attention everyone! King Taehyung, and Queen Natalie of GeHenna have arrive!" The gates opened revealing all our loved ones and loyal subjects in rows of seats standing.

We walked threw the aisle and took a seat upon our thrones. I heard the trumpets go off again. "And here comes the soon to be princess of GeHenna Minah!" The gates opened, my little Minah walked through.

She walked up to the magic counsel and bowed. "Kim Minah, are you ready to accept the responsibility of what it means to be the young demon princess?" The one in red asked.

"Yes, I'm ready." Minah responded.

The one in blue stuck out they're hand. "By the power vested in the magic counsel we announce Minah as the new Princess of GeHenna!" All of a sudden Minah was lifted into the air. She shined bright, like a little twinkling star.

When she grounded she ran back to Taehyung and I. "Mommy! Daddy! I did it! Did I make you proud?"

"Yes love, we're always proud of you." Taehyung said.

"You did amazing sweetheart." I gave her a hug before I stood up. "And now let the royal party begin!" Everyone got up and showed their respects to us. When everyone calmed down Mark, Desi and Jungkook's son, ran up and hugged Minah.

"That was awesome!" He said.

"Thank you!" Minah giggled.

"You're gonna be the best Queen one day!" He smiled. Minah looked up at me.

"No, I think my mommy sets the bar pretty high." She smiled.


Hope you enjoyed my special chapter.

Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays! <3

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