Chapter Eighteen:

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Taehyung's POV:

I watched as they killed Taemin. Hoseok was on the floor, lifeless. My emotions overwhelmed me with sadness. I looked over at Mia who was currently watching the whole thing with a sick smile plastered on her face.

I've never moved as fast as I just did. Without thinking I picked her up and pinned her against the wall by her throat.

"I'm tired of you hurting my family and I." I said angrily through my tears. Mia started to gasp for air, she was turning pale. Then she kicked me where no man should be kicked. I dropped to the floor in pain, she was bent over inhaling greedy amounts of air.

Natalie came over and helped me up, everyone else was kneeling around Hoseok. Their sad faces made my heart ache. I swear this bitch will pay.

When Mia got up I tried to punch her but she dodged it. Instead of hitting me she attacked Natalie. She wrapped her hands around Natalie's neck. Natalie struggled as she tried to escape. I went to pulled them apart but Natalie grabbed Mia's wrist, smoke started to come off of Mia's wrist as she screamed in agony. Natalie let go and Mia dropped to the floor.

Mia grabbed a knife from her back pocket, Natalie tried to move... But she was too late. Mia impaled Natalie in her chest. Natalie fell to the floor, tears and blood flowing out of her body. Desi and Angel ran over to her.

"It'll be okay... Don't go Natalie... We can't lose two people in one day." Angel cried.

"Natalie you have to stay... For us... For Taehyung please." Desi sobbed. Tears fell from my eyes as I felt the weight of the world fall onto my shoulders.

"Mia you better hope she's okay because if she isn't I will kill every member of your family." My hands were shaking with anger and nervousness. I felt nothing towards Mia, except pure hatred.

All of a sudden the room lit up. The light was so bright I had to shut my eyes. When I opened them again I saw the Demon Council. "What are you guys doing here?" Suho asked as he wiped his tears off his face.

"We are here for the arrest of Mia Platzer." The one in the red said.

"We are also here to collect Princess Natalie." A lady in green added.

"No you can't take her." I snapped.

"She needs proper healing and she needs to start her position as Queen of GeHenna.... We'll return her in 4 months." Another lady in dark purple said.

I walked over to Natalie... I can't believe this is all over... Finally. I grabbed her hand and looked at her beautiful face. She smiled at me as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Natalie you'll be okay... Keep fighting... for Angel... Desi... Everyone... especially me." I put my forehead on hers and closed my eyes... I knew she couldn't talk so she sent me a message.

'Taehyung I'll be back soon... I promise I love you so much.'

My tears fell on her face. "I love you too." And with that a man came and lifted her in his arms. With another bright light they disappeared.

I looked over at Hoseok. I slowly walked over towards him... He's really dead... I'll never see him smile ever again. I lifted his head in my arms and held him close. "I love you Hoseok... I'm gonna miss you." I sobbed.

Jungkook placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, his eyes were puffy and watery, and his face was red. "Come on we need to get going." He sniffled.

"We can't just leave him hear." I said back.

"We have no choice Taehyung... what else are we going to do with him." Jimin looked away as he spoke.

"I'd rather burn him than leave him here." I said as I look at my pale lifeless brother.

"Fine." Jin said. I took one last glance and walked out.

Kai went inside with some liquids and trailed it out to the front yard. Angel took a lighter and threw it on the trail. Before I knew it the whole house was in flames... Bye forever Hoseok I love you.


Hey guys!

Sorry if this Chapter is boring and short.

Is it bad that I made myself cry while writing this?

Oh and don't worry while Natalie is away Angel is going to make some serious decisions... And Jungkook has a very special surprise for Desi, continue reading the chapters to find out.

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I love you guys so much! Saranghae<3

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