Chapter Thirteen:

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Natalie's POV:

Taehyung slammed his hands on the table as he confronted Sehun.  Then Desi and Angel came in with shocked looks on their faces.

"She's mine! Why the hell are you sleeping with my girlfriend!?" Taehyung yelled at Sehun.

"Because she came to me in a time of need because of something you did!" Sehun retorted.

Taehyung was about to punch Sehun when suddenly I jumped in front of them and pushed Taehyung. There were tears in my eyes as I made contact with him.

"Taehyung stop! We didn't do anything! I went to him because I couldn't be in the same room as you!" I yelled through my tears. "And because of what you did I'm heart broken... And it hurts... It fucking hurts Taehyung." I broke down and started crying my eyes out. The expression on Taehyung's face soften as he watched me break down.

"Nata-" Taehyung tried to speak but I cut him off.

"Don't... Save it for Mia." I said as I walked to Desi and Angel. They both gave me sympathetic looks as they walked me to Desi's room.

When we walked in Jungkook was sitting at his desk on the computer typing something. He then turned to look at us. I know he heard everything that happened.

"Natalie it'll be okay." He smiled at me.

"Thanks." Was all I could say... I felt like if I talked about it I wouldn't be able to stop my tears.

"Natalie, do you want to sleep in here tonight?... You can sleep on the pull out bed couch." Desi said.

I nodded my head.

Taehyung's POV:

I watched as Natalie walked away crying. I felt like shit. I didn't know what to do. The only reason I kissed Mia was because I didn't want to die... I don't like Mia, I love Natalie.

I looked over at Sehun who was deep in thought staring into space.

"Hey I'm sorry." I said to him, his attention was turned towards me and he gave me a half smile.

"It's okay... I understand. I mean if Natalie was my girl and she slept with another guy I would be pissed too I guess." He told me as he ran his longs slender fingers through his hair.

"Yeah... Hey... Um... Can you help me get her back?... Please?" I asked him hesitantly. I felt tears in my eyes, I quickly wiped them away so they wouldn't fall.

"Yeah I'll help you." Sehun and I gave each other a quick hug.

I spent a couple hours in my room until it was dinner time.

I walked downstairs and sat at the dining room table. All the food was out and the table was already set. I looked around and everyone was there except Natalie.

"Where's Natalie?" I asked.

"She didn't want to eat... She said eating is for happier people... And she also said she needs to get skinny... Like Mia." Desi said with a look of concern on her face.

"She doesn't need to get skinnier... She's perfect." I said looking down... I couldn't help it... I felt so bad, I honestly don't deserve her.

"Hey guys." Sehun spoke, all attention was turned towards him. "We need to make a plan... To get Natalie and Taehyung back together."

We all sat in silence for a while...

"I got it!" We all looked at Chen. "Taehyung write her a song and sing it... You're a good singer and song writer... And you can play guitar."

"Chen you're a genius!" I shouted.

"Finally someone noticed." Chen replied.

I ran to my room and locked the door. I had a song to write... And I'm gonna make sure it's the best song ever. I love you Natalie and I promise you that I will always love you.


Hey Guys!

Sorry this chapter is so short and possibly boring but I'm really busy with school. I'm lucky I got to do this.

I'm gonna try to update twice a week but I'm not sure yet.

Votes and Comments are really appreciated so please do both.

Hope you enjoyed!

Thank you guys so much I love you!!!! Saranghae<3

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