Chapter Ninteen:

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Angel's POV:

I walked up the stairs in an unfamiliar house. When I reached the top of the stairs I saw a hallway filled with closed doors. One by one I tried to open them, but they were all locked. "Hello?" I called out but no one answered. There was one door left. I twisted the knob and to my surprise it opened revealing Jimin, standing in front of a window starring out at the beautiful scenery. When I closed the door he turned to me and smiled.
"Hey beautiful." He walked towards me. "Hey." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned towards my face until our lips met. When he broke the kiss he rested his forehead on mine. I kept my eyes closed and just took in the moment. "Don't leave me." He said. "I won't." I replied. "Don't leave me, don't leave me." He kept repeating it. As he continued to say it his voice changed. It sounded familiar... And comforting. I opened my eyes and saw Kai. I stumbled back, startled by Kai's sudden appearance. "Why'd you leave me Angel?... Why did you leave me?" I tried to turn and run but he appeared in front of the door.


I opened my eyes and sat straight up, I was breathing hard. I looked around the room... I was alone. "That one dream that never seems to go away." I said to myself. I told Jimin I needed some space so he arranged another room for me. I got ready, I didn't really feel like getting all dolled up so I just slipped on a sports bra and sweat pants, I tied a sweater around my waist, and put my hair in a pony-tail and decided to go for a run.

When I was walking down the stairs I stumbled upon Kai.

"Good morning." He smiled. My heart started beating really fast, there were butterflies in my stomach and his voice sounded like a song.

"Morning." I refused to make eye contact because of that dream. I've been having that dream for a while now and I don't know what it means. He then grabbed my wrist.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said continuing to avoid his gaze.

"Then look me in the eyes and say you're okay." He's really persistent. I had no choice I turned my head to face him and mustered up the best smile I could.

"I'm okay, I'm just going out for a run." He let go of my wrist and smiled.

"Okay." He continued to walk and so did I.

I made my way to the front door. I opened the door and of course Jimin was outside drinking coffee while reading a book. It seems like I attract the people I'm trying to avoid.

"Good morning." I smiled. He looked over at me.

"Oh good morning." He smiled back. I made my way towards him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm gonna go for a morning run." He just smiled at me and continued to read.

I put my head phones in and started to run. I wonder how Natalie is doing? She's only been gone for three days but I'm still worried. I hope she gets the proper care she needs... it shouldn't be that hard though, she is a demon... well a Demon Queen now, so she should heal pretty fast.

As I was running I decided to call Desi.

Desi: Hello?

Me: Hey whatcha doing?

Desi: Probably just going to sit at home... Jungkook and Tae went out to take their minds off of things.

Me: Well do you want to meet up somewhere?

Desi: Sure, where?

Me: Panera Bread.

Desi: Okay I'll see you there, bye.

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