Chapter Twenty-One:

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Taehyung's POV:

It's been three months since Natalie left. I wonder if she's okay. I haven't heard from her since. Maybe she forgot about me... What am I saying? Natalie loves me and everyone here, she would never forget about any of us.

I got out of bed and started my morning routine. As I was brushing my teeth in complete silence I couldn't help but to think of Natalie. Mornings without her have been so quiet and lonely for me.

I can tell everyone has been worrying about me... I mean I would be worried too. I fell in a deep hole of depression and the worst part of it all is that she's not here to tell me it's okay.

I slowly walked downstairs and sat in my spot at the table. Everyone was there except Jin. He was cooking breakfast. I looked over at the empty seat, which is usually occupied by Natalie, and just sighed. I don't want to be sad anymore... I just miss her so freaking much.

Jin came out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes stacked high, and another plate of eggs and bacon. He set it on the table, everyone served themselves and ate silently.

I haven't been eating much, I just haven't really been hungry lately. I looked over at Angel who was currently starring at Kai eating... Then I looked back at Jimin. I'm still thoroughly confused about how that got to be.

"Taehyung." Namjoon said interrupting my thoughts. "We need to talk. You've been moping around ever since Natalie left... It's time for you to liven up a bit. You're making us all worry."

"I know, I know... It's just that I miss her, a lot. And without her I basically have nothing." I looked down as tears formed in my eyes.

"But you have us Taehyung." I looked up at Jungkook. " We know it's hard... But you need to know that we're all here for you. No matter what." I stood up and walked over to Jungkook. He stood up and gave me a tight hug. When we broke the hug he gave me a reassuring smile.

He reached in his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. "This is for you... it's from Natalie it came in this morning." He handed me the letter. I smiled at him as I opened it.

"Read it out loud." Angel said making us all chuckle.

"Dear Taehyung, I miss you so much. I'm all healed up and I'm doing well. I'm really having a lot of fun training and learning how to do new and exciting powers. The council thought it was going to take me forever to learn my powers but I learned them really fast. They said I get to come home a week from today. I can't wait to see you. Tell everyone I said I miss them and love them. I have a big surprise for you when I get home. I love you so much Taehyung. Love, Natalie."

"Oh I see all the love goes to Tae and we only get a sliver." Yoongi said with pout face. We all laughed at his sudden outburst.

"Pabo, we're not Natalie's mate so of course we're only gonna get a sliver." Suho said as he flicked Yoongi's forehead.

"Yah! That hurt!" Yoongi yelled as he rubbed his head.

I just chuckled as I walked to my room. I know I still have a week, but I still want to make sure everything is going to be perfect... I wonder what the surprise is... I hope we get to go somewhere a lone to catch up because that would be nice.

I looked around my room and spotted a pile of Natalie's clothes. They were washed but not put away. I walked over to them and held them in my hands tightly as I walked over to the dresser. I put them in just the way she likes it and shut the drawer.

"Natalie I can't wait to see you." I whispered to myself.


Hey guys!

I have a list of apologies.
•I'm sorry the chapter is so short and boring
•I'm sorry there hasn't been any action in these past chapters
•I'm sorry I took forever to update I give you all permission to scold me in the comments.

Anyways I love you guys so much and please vote and comment

Next chapter will be longer

I love you... saranghae<3

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