Chapter Twenty-two:

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Natalie's POV:

I folded the clothes that I got in GeHenna neatly and put them into a bag. While I was checking to see if I had everything, I heard footsteps walking towards me. I turned around and was about to punch him with a fire fist. But, I stopped in front of his face when I noticed the person was my trainer, Onew.

"Ah, I trained you well... Thank goodness you stopped. Or else I would've been in a lot of trouble."

"Yeah, I learned from the best." I chuckled.

"I can't believe you go home today, I'm gonna miss you. Make sure you come and visit me okay?"

"Okay, and next time I'm here, Taehyung will be with me so you can meet him." I hugged him tight and shut my eyes. "I'm gonna miss you too."

We broke the hug. "Tell me what happens when you tell them about the special surprise."

"Okay and I promise to write to you every day."

"I'm gonna hold you up on that promise." We intertwined pinkies.

When I finished my chat with Onew I made my way to the the Council hall. I walked in front of the council. I lifted my dress and bowed, while tilting my head down I felt my crown was about to fall so I quickly stood up straight again.

"I Natalie Rose, Queen of GeHenna, is here to report the completion of my training. I am choosing to go home and resume my position from Earth."

"We approve of your decision. You've come a long way and exceeded our expectations. We are all very pleased with all your progress and growth. You may leave us now." The one in purple said.

I quickly did my last bow and walked out the room. I headed towards the magic room. As I entered I noticed no one was there. I walked towards the demon mirror.

"Queen Natalie, I heard you are leaving today." It spoke.

"Yes, I will make my departure soon. I was wondering if you could show me one last thing before I leave."

"Of course your majesty, anything for you."

"I want you to show me where Taehyung and the rest are right now."

"Yes your highness." In the matter of seconds the picture appeared. They were all in the game room laughing and having fun. This brought a smile to my face because for these past couple of months I've been checking up on them. And right now, Taehyung looks so happy.

"Thank you." I bowed and headed out the room. If it weren't for my heals I probably would've ran... But I don't really feel like breaking any ankles today. Once I got in the room I looked at myself in the mirror. My long black and red dress, my crown, my black heels... This is who 'I'm suppose to be', and this is 'where I'm suppose to be'. But that's wrong. I'm suppose to be Taehyung's wife, and I'm suppose to be home with him. I changed into a shirt and jeans. I then put on a hoodie over it.

I grabbed my bags and took a deep breathe. 3...2...1

Taehyung's POV:

We were all in the game room laughing and having a good time. Kai and Angel are currently wrestling trying to see who's the stronger one... And it's sad to say that Angel is winning.

"Yah! Okay! Okay! You win!" Kai yelled as Angel pinned him down. We all laughed at him as Angel helped him up.

"You guys are all having fun without me?" I heard a familiar voice. We all turned our heads and there she was. She looked even more beautiful than before. Her skin is glowing, her hair got longer... She just looks healthy.

We all ran towards her. Everyone else got their hugs before me. When it was my turn I saw tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up.

"I missed you so much." She said, I heard her crying.

"I missed you too love." I put her down and stared into her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied.

"Okay, I have a surprise to tell you guys, let's go into the living room." She started walking to the living room and we all followed.

"So, what's the surprise?" Yoongi asked.

"Hold on, before that I want to know if there's anything I missed?" Natalie asked.

"Well, Kai and I are together." Angel smiled.

"Oh, honey I know that. I've been watching you guys from a mirror to make sure everything was okay." She chuckled.

"That sounds pretty cool." Jungkook said.

"Okay the suspense is killing me. Please tell us the surprise." Desi blurred out.

"Okay, okay." She turned around and took off her hoodie. When she turned back around she yelled. "I'm pregnant!" I looked at her stomach and there I saw a baby bump. I'm gonna be a father, that baby is mine... I created it.

Joy flowed into me. I stood up and ran toward her. "I'm gonna be a father." I smiled as tears rolled down my face.

"You are." She said as she cupped my face with her hand.

"I know I already asked but... Will you marry me?"

"Of course... but let's wait till after I have the baby... I don't want to look fat in my wedding dress." She said.

"I would marry you on your due date." I kissed her gently as I pulled her close to me.

Natalie's POV:

"Will you please excuse me I have to go make a phone call and tell my trainer how it went."

I walked upstairs to my room and closed the door. I got on the phone and told Onew everything. He was happy to hear everything went well, he also told me him and a designer are currently working on some cute baby clothes for me. When I hung up the phone I walked towards the door. I slowly opened it, causing the door to creak. And behind that door I saw Sehun.

"Congratulations." He smiled.

"Thank you."

"Natalie, we really need to talk."

"Sehun, there's nothing to talk about." I replied.

"Then, tell me why we wrote to each other everyday... But you only wrote to Tae once. I told you my feelings for you countless times but you still only give me vague or pitiful answers." He snapped, it startled me a bit.

"I only wrote to Taehyung once because I didn't want to cause him pain. I saw how much it affected him... And if I wrote to him everyday it would of only made him miss me more. And my heart is taken by Taehyung... I'm sorry." I walked past him and went back to Taehyung's side. He looked down at me and smiled.

"We've got a wedding to plan." He chuckled.


Next chapter coming soon I hope!

Bye I love you guys so much! Saranghae<3

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