The Innocent Lie And The Journey Home.

Start from the beginning

"I know a few people there. Thought I might settle in there for awhile. Get a job, maybe get a place to live. I heard it's much safer there than out here."

"What happened on your little trip?" he asked.

"Nothing exciting. I'll tell you about it later when we can talk about it privately."

"Talk about what privately?" Percival interjected, our conversation suspicious.

"Oh nothing." I made sure he caught my stare that gazed at Merlin with a playful smile.

He looked between the two of us. It took a moment, but he turned and walked back to the others. Merlin caught their stares and hushed conversation happening behind us.  I finished helping him prepare the horses. The knights strode over to their respective horses.  I was offered a hand onto my horse, but mounted it without ease, or assistance.  The others started ahead of us.  I took one last look back at my home. It didn't feel as sad as I thought it would be.  My family, and friends, were put to rest.  They would find peace in the next life.  I trotted up to Merlin who was hanging behind the knights.  He looked over as I caught up to him.

"The knights have been acting strange, don't you think?" Merlin whispered.

"You think so?" I smiled.

"They look like they're talking about me. Or maybe you-"

"Perhaps both of us."

"Why would they-"

"I had to imply something to change the subject."

"They probably think we spent the night together," he hissed, trying to keep his voice down.

"Better than what we were really speaking of," my voice dropped, barely audible to even Merlin, "it was just an innocent insinuation."

We rode until it was nearly sunset. The knights decided it would be a good time to stop and make camp. We all dismounted and started to set up camp. Some gathered wood for a fire.  I helped Merlin get the food, and cooking items, off of his horse.

"There isn't much packed," he groaned, "we left rather quickly after all."

"I have a few things I can share.  We'll probably have to go hunt some food," I said, "I don't mind going. I'm rather good with a bow. Though it has been awhile since I had to use one."

"What are you two chatting about?" Arthur inquired with a sly grin on his face.

"Not much was packed. And you've been out longer than planned, so I was offering to go hunt something for food."

"Not by yourself. I'll go with you."

"I am pretty good at hunting."

"And getting into trouble."

"And kidnapped," Merlin added.

"Alright.  Alright, let's go while there is still light," I smiled.

I took my bow, placing it over my shoulder. Arthur grabbed a crossbow and walked by my side into the forest. We stayed away from the camp, but not far enough that we couldn't see the smoke rise from the camp. I looked over at a tree noting the marking in the bark. My finger traced the mark as I gave a faint smile.

"You know those markings?" Arthur asked.

"They were put there to find our way to other places and home if we got lost."

"You used to come out here by yourself?"

"Some times. Mostly with my father, or brothers, to go hunting."

Scion of Lost Magic (Merlin x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now