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I'm sad to say that this book is coming to an end.. I still love the boys and their music very much, but they have matured very much (update after almost 2 yrs: so have I), which makes it a lot harder to write about them which is why I am deciding the end this book so I can use my time for school and working on books for another fandom that I'm very much more into right now. I'm very sorry and I'll always love and appreciate every single one of you readers. Without you I wouldn't have had the motivation to continue writing at all. THIS BOOK HAS HIT 9k READS FOR GODS SAKE. No amount of thanks will even come close to my gratitude towards all of you lovelies. Thank you all so much, and I hope you can understand and support my decision. I hope this won't be too upsetting to anyone:( thank you.

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