BSM: He likes your twin more: (Ashton part 2)

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(Third person)

It's morbid. Completely morbid to think that while you are carrying on with your daily life that you may be totally unaware of the decaying corpse of a loved one in the same house as you. Having no way to act to save, or even grieve. All because you're simply not aware of the fact that anything is even going on. Inevitability works in that way sometimes. Irony can be so cruel in the sense that the good ones are those to be taken away in such tragedy, in such a painful way. That one person In a household of three can be floating in their death bed unbeknownst to the other housemates. To their family. But that's unfair, right? how was anyone to know, you couldn't possibly know that something to such sinister degrees has happened. Wrong. Twin tuition is real, that was proven by Lauren's sudden cringe that startled her from her book reading. She could tell that something wasn't right. She knew that she was missing something; someone. So she stood from her resting position on the sofa and made her way out of the living room and pattered her socked feet up the old creaky stairs, the unforgettable sound of her childhood nightmare fueler made her glad she had forgotten to put her hearing aids back in. Sauntering the rest of the way up the stairs she felt the need to go right on over to the door that rest straight in front of the stairs. Lauren's stomach held knots that she could tell weren't very good, the sight of the closed door made her uneasy.

"Y/n? Are you in there, y/n/n?" Lauren questioned while hesitantly tapping on the bathroom door. Her voice coming out with a slight impediment due to her lack of capability to hear herself. Her fists clenched when her ears didn't pick up on any sounds, which wasn't all that uncommon but she knew that you knew to make your voice more clear when she wasn't wearing her hearing aids. This only made the knots in her stomach feel more validated, she began to get worried. By now, Ashton had picked up on a strange feeling as well and adverted his eyes away from the tv and to where Lauren was once perched. He noticed she had left her hearing aids on the coffee table and was now intrigued as the where she was. He called out for her. No answer. He knew this meant that she must have been In a range where his voice couldn't be heard by her. So he got up and grabbed her hearing aids and began walking around to discover her whereabouts. Lauren on the other hand, was about to make a completely different discovery. Her hands descended from the chipped red paint of the wooden door to the door handle that left your hands smelling like iron every time you were to use it. She turned the door handle and tried to prepare herself for what was about to be revealed to her but nothing could have prepared anyone for this. Her heart had stopped and she immediately threw herself onto the floor next to the bathtub, lifting her sisters lifeless body out of the water. She was sputtering out incoherent "no's" and "you're gonna be okay". Her sobs turned into screaming and that had alerted Ashton of where she was. Her screaming bloody murder made him run fast to where he had heard its origin. When he ran into the bathroom he wasn't ready to see his one sister to be holding the corpse of the other. He fell back and needed to lean on the counter for support. But he then dropped down next to Lauren and helped her bring your body out of the steaming tub. His steaming hot tears the pat were rolling down his face were no match to the water he had just reached in to pull you out of. It was clear to him that this was suicide and not an accidental tragedy, unlike the car accident. This was intentional. He joined Lauren in her sobbing and hugged y/n's body closer to his. This was his fault, he thought. He made you feel the need to take your life, like you couldn't go to him to talk about what was going on in your life. He made you feel like your home wasn't somewhere you usually would feel safe, but yet just another place full of emptiness and full of people that were as close as strangers. Ashton's crying got harder until they too turned into screams. His baby girl that he mistreated was gone, she was gone and he wouldn't be able to get the chance to tell her he loved her. That information would forever be unbeknownst to her. Just like she was unbeknownst to them.
Ironic, isn't it?


Long time no see, but I'm back! This book is no longer discontinued. I hope you guys aren't too mad at my sudden and abrupt disappearance. But here was the chapter that has been requested so I hope it makes up for my lack of uploading.. now I'm going to spare you the heavily edited and cringe saturated apology and just let you know that I will continue to post, but it won't be a routine. Because once these things become a routine, they become a chore, and once a chore; they aren't as much fun anymore. Which is one reason I took a break. The second reason being was so I could finish advanced English and hopefully advance my writing ;) anyways, just wanted to say thank you for the support and I really hope I haven't lost it through my absence. Like and comment so I know to continue writing and uploading chapters. Love you ❤️❤️

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