Pref for Kiana❤️

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"Hey guys!" I yelled as I walked into Michaels house, he invited me over to have a sleepover with the rest of the boys. Of course that would mean Ashton was there but I would just have to suck it up for the night, I'm not gonna cancel my plans because of him. Me and the boys had met in school, and him being from a different school made it harder to acquaint with him. He and Luke became close because he stuck up for him against those douchebags that would always pick on him. Luke naturally introduced him to the boys, he would have introduced the both of us too but I was vacationing in Melbourne. When I finally got home him and the boys were pretty close and he seen me, without me knowing, as a threat as i was extremely close with the boys. And that's how it all started.
"Ugh, don't you have your own house? You're always here." He huffed out annoyed. I just looked at him with squinted eyes.
"Come at me bit-" i began my insult before Calum interrupted. "Alright! Let's make cookies." He yelled and ran to the kitchen, the boys let out a relieved sigh as they stood up to go to the kitchen as well. Ashton and I glared at one another before making our way to make some cookies.
"I bet mine are gonna be better than yours." Ashton sneered.
"Bullshit, I'm gonna make some bomb cookies." You replied knowingly.
"Oh my Jesus, all of these are gonna be bomb. Now stop fighting and pour in the chocolate chips." Luke sternly ordered.
I just rolled my eyes as Ashton roughly nudged my shoulder. I walked in between Calum and Michael and smiled at them and began to stir in the chocolate chips with the dough. I was just finishing up stirring and folding them in when hands grabbed the bowl and started to roll the dough in balls and placing them on the cooking sheet.
"Ashton, I wasn't done stirring!" I complained, he just smirked. "Boohoo, poor miss Kiana wasn't able to perfect her cookies. Looks like mine are gonna be better." He faked sympathy. "Oh you are such a conceded as- butthole. I was going to say butthole." You corrected yourself turning towards Luke. "Sorry Luke, almost forgot there was a child in the room." I said poking his cheek. Luke gave me a look.
"Oh haha, very funny." He said trying to seem unamused, but the grin that was appearing on his face assured me he took no offence to my poking fun.

Once the cookies were finally done I ran over to the oven and checked on mine first.
"Perfect!" I screamed as I pulled them out. The outside was a perfect shade of golden brown and the chocolate ships cooled down so that the top still held its original form but if I took a bite of it the inside would be melted. I took a bite and my eyes widened and my mouth watered, they truly were the perfect cookie.
"Let's see how much better mine are," Ashton said walking in the kitchen and stood beside me. I took a step aside because I knew there was no way his would beat mine. The other boys walked in and kept eyeing my cookies. I giggled.
"Would you like to have one?" I directed the question towards the three boys with a smirk. They nodded eagerly and took a bite. Contempt sighs and moans escaped passed their lips and I just laughed some more, they were good cookies though.
"Damn it!" Ashton yelled as he pulled out his batch of slightly burnt cookies, I almost felt bad for the dude. Almost.
"Looks like I won," I gloated. He glared at me and his face turned beet red.
"You kiana, are one conceded, conniving and manipulative girl. You may have done this one thing right but everything else that you have done in your life is all a giant mistake! If this is what you call an achievement than your life may just be more pathetic than I have predicted." He stated. my heart beat picked up, I felt very offended by what he said.
"Dude, they are just cookies..-" Michael started.
"This isn't just about the cookies Michael! It's about her character, her personality. She tries too hard to fit in with us when she clearly doesn't have the same interests. It's annoying and I hate fake people like her." He jabbed at me some more. By this point I had tears in my eyes as I stood up.
"Kiki.. Stay, don't listen to him." (Sorry if this isn't your nickname, you can change it if you'd like.) Calum pleaded. I just shook my head. "Nah, I'm done putting up with him. For now on if he's here I won't be, and vice versa. It would be better for everyone." I said pulling my shoes over my pizza socks.
"Thank the lord, hallelujah!" Ashton celebrated. The guys just looked towards him disappointedly. "Good job mate, you made an ass of yourself." Michael said rudely.
"It's okay. Just enjoy your night, and maybe next Friday can be our sleepover night. It'll all work out." I said trying to convince them that this would be better. There was a silence in the room, if you didn't count the silent dancing Ashton was doing since his wish had finally come true.
"Yea, I guess you're right." Luke admitted.
The others nodded solemnly.
"Exactly. I've gotta go, See you later guys! Love youuuuuu!" I screamed as I walked out the front door. I heard their "love you toooo's" and giggled to myself, this will all work out in everyone's favour.

One month later
*Ashtons POV*

Today is a Friday which means movie night with the boys, this is our tradition. It would normally be rotated between me and kiana but the boys told me that she's been pre occupied with something so we can have more movie nights.
"Y'all ready?!" I yell as I get up to click play.
"No, there are still two more people coming." Michael responded. I raised my brow at him. "Well Okay, I guess. Then could you maybe tell them to hurry u-" I was abruptly cut off by the doorbell. All of the boys seemed exited so I kind of got exited too, It's contagious. I ran over to the door and was shocked at who I seen, she looked shocked for a moment but bounced back to smiling pretty quickly. Nice rebound.
"Hey ash! The boys here yet?" She asked.
I just nodded my head yes and let her in, but before I could close the door a trunk door was slammed shut and a buff dude walked in with his arms full of snacks. He looked to me and smiled.
"I brought snacks" he stated, and I couldn't help to feel intimidated by this guy. I mean, look at him!
"Oh my, you should have asked for help! Your arms are probably sore." Kiana said walking over to him and taking some of the items from him. He just laughed at her.
"Babe," wait what? "I've got this, just go wait on the couch and get ready for cuddles." He spoke in a sweet tone and she just nodded with a blush on her cheeks. I couldn't help that my own cheeks were turning red, but I sure as hell wasn't blushing. I don't know what this feeling is but I don't like it.
I snapped out of my thoughts and shuffled back over to the lounge room and sat down on the couch.
"Guys, this is my boyfriend Jude. Jude this is Calum, Michael, Luke and Ashton." She spoke our names as she pointed. Jude began shaking the guys hands and when he got me I just stared at his hand. He looked at me confused before shaking his head and face palming. "Oh man, my bad! You look like a fist bump kinda dude." He laughed as he turned his stretched hand into a fist, I just forced out a laugh and met his hand in a fist bump. He returned to kiana's side and they sat on the far end
Of the couch together. My fist clenched as he pecked her cheek after she pecked his nose. My face turned red again as Calum played the movie. I don't understand why I was so mad, it's not like they were doing any PDA but it still made me mad to see. Kiana kept looking at him and laughing whenever there was a funny part and he'd look over at her and laugh too, it was disgusting. And kinda cute, but even more disgusting. I began to get mad that she had brought him here, that she had a boyfriend. She looked so happy and I couldn't help but feel that I should be the one holding her like that, I should be the one being all cute with her. I continued my little rant in my head until I realized Luke was looking at me and followed my gaze where was previously staring at Kiana before raising a brow and giving me a knowing smirk. I began to protest before I seen her lean in and kiss him, it was short and sweet but it still made me clench my fists yet again. Luke then pulled out his phone and I have received a text. I looked at the message and it was from Luke.
'Don't try anything, she really likes this guy and he really likes her' and once he seen a I saw the message he just put his phone back in his pocket and drifted his attention back to the movie. My attention was still on Kiana, but I knew that my new found feelings for her needed to be shut down. But my heart aches because I knew all of my chances at getting the girl that I like is all out the window, I'm too late.

I hope you like this bb Kikhoran_1993
Let me know of any mistakes and I will correct them, love ya❤️❤️

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