Flashlight (part 2)

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(7) *flash* *flash*
Normally it's Calum using the emergency call, but this time you have no other option. All you can do is hope he'll answer.
He does; within seconds he appears in front of his window and opens it. It's raining, tonight, big droplets of water crashing down onto your roofs.
"What's wrong?" he says with a worried tone in his voice, when he sees you. You've been crying, and your eyes are red and your face is blotched and you can barely get the words out of your mouth.
"I think mommy and daddy are gonna kill each other."
Calum frowns. "Parents don't kill each other."
"Yes they do!" you exclaim. "Y/s/n was watching tv and it was about a mommy who got into a fight with a daddy and then the daddy grabbed a kitchen knife and..." You stop yourself to go back to sobbing.
"Hey, look at me." You look at him. He's hanging half out of his window, the rain pelting on his head, his hair getting wet and flopping down his face. "They won't kill each other. I promise."
"Calum," you whimper, "I'm scared."
A frown falls over his face. Even at 7 years old, he hates nothing more than seeing you hurt, and his protective instincts kick in. Before you realize what's happening, he's out on the roof.
"You don't have to..." you start, but he runs down the plank and jumps into your window. You've always been jealous at how athletic he is; he plays football really well and he always gets picked first in PE. You always get picked last.
He hops on your bed and pats the space next to him. "Come sit with me." You do, and immediately you start to feel better. His presence calms you down, comforts you. "Now you don't have to be scared anymore," he smiles.
"Why not?" It's not asked in a snarky way; you're genuinely curious.
"Well, cause I'm here to protect you of course," he frowns. You lay down next to him and he wraps the blankets about you two. "Y/N?"
"If I would marry you, we wouldn't ever fight. I would always protect you."
A smile spreads over your face as your eyes start to droop, exhaustion from crying taking over your body. "Would you marry me when we're old, Cal?"
"Of course," he answers without missing a beat. "Cause we're gonna be best friends forever and ever."
"Yeah," you say, "forever and ever."
(( All credit goes to stillrunningbacktoyou on tumblr))

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