25: Falsehood & Pity

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Faking It - Calvin Harris (feat.Kehlani & Lil Yachty)

     "Refill," I shout, signaling to my empty glass.

I rub my eyes, suppressing a huge yawn. It was nearing 2:00 AM and I was exhausted. Instead of going back the the suite to sleep, I thought it would be an even better idea to get drunk.

Maybe I would be able to forget for awhile.

"You've been hanging around today longer than our frequent drunk fellas do." The bartender, Bea said from behind the counter, attempting to make a joke as she refilled my glass.

I roll my eyes, ignoring her.

Before I could down the drink, the glass was pulled from my hands and I looked at the person with a sour expression.

"Whatever the hell is bothering you, I don't want to see you regularly, so don't turn into one of these miserable people. Got it?"

The bartender narrowed her eyes at me, my glass of scotch dangling above her head.

Her intense green eyes bore into mine, not backing down like I'd hoped.

She was a very outgoing person, you could get that much just from her appearance. Her light brown hair fell to her shoulders, about five inches of the tips a bright blue. She had a silver septum piercing, an industrial, helix, stretched lobe and second lobe piercing in both ears. And to top it off, she had a tongue piercing that could be seen every time she spoke.

"Piss off," I mumbled, reaching for the glass with antsy hands.

After a few seconds of more taunting, she handed over the glass that has become my only relief in hours.

To say I was stalling the awaiting journey home was a major understatement.

"What's got you in such a shitty mood anyway?"

After gulping the liquid in seconds, I shrug carelessly. "Oh you know. The usual cliche mistakes people have witnessed only through a fucking TV screen."

Scoffing lightly, I push the glass further away from me on the counter top. "Well I'll be damned. My life has become a reality TV show."

Bea proceeds to clean the inside of a wine glass with a white cloth, her eyes trained on her task at hand. "Get out," she states without looking up.

I lean back slightly. "Excuse me?"

Her eyes landed on me a second later. "You heard me. Leave. Go home. It was great meeting you Adalyn, but I don't want to see you in a place like this again." She dramatically checked her surroundings before leaning over the bar counter to whisper.

"Besides, it'd be best if you leave now before people start realizing you're not of age." Leaning back with a small smirk, she says, "You wouldn't want me to get in trouble, now would you?"

A fit of laughter leaves her mouth while I roll my eyes, hopping off of the bar stool. "And to think, I was a loyal customer."

Bea scoffs, handing a nearby customer another bottle of beer.

"See you around, kid."

With a raised middle finger, I slap two twenty dollar bills onto the counter and trek to the door, inhaling sharply.

I didn't realize it was starting to drizzle until I saw the damp sidewalks and felt the soft splatters of rain droplets--almost mist like hit my face gently.

I inhaled the earthy fragrance as I started to take the route back to the suite, at a slow pace.

I wasn't too worried about creeps, especially this late at night because I had a pocket knife tucked safely in the side of my boot, and a set of hands that have managed to break someone's nose and jaw before.

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