11: Close Call

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    Chapter Song: Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High - Arctic Monkeys
  It took us four hours to get back on track.

Preston was currently still driving, but I had taken the backseat with Nic instead of the passenger seat.

After our little heart to heart, we sat silently in the sand for a good ten minutes before acknowledging each other again. It was some kind of secret agreement that we wouldn't mention this. To anyone.

When we had gotten back to the car, the two were still passed out, but I had woken them up, telling them we had stopped for a bathroom break. Technically, it wasn't a lie.

They didn't seem wary or suspicious at all--I mean, why would they?

They happily hopped out of the car, refreshed from their long naps. I on the other hand, was about ready to pass the fuck out.

I had done just that when we started driving again.

When I woke up, we were in the Old Line State, also known as Little America.

Maryland was a beautiful state. Granted, it wasn't much different than any other, but they had an exclusive scenery--even in the dark. It was a shame this small state didn't get all the recognition it deserved.

It was nearing 11:00 PM when Preston pulled into the parking lot of a hotel. This one wasn't nearly as extravagant as the last, but it'll do. I could pass out just about anywhere right now.

This time, Kat and I decided we'd go check in and pay for the rooms.

After paying for two separate rooms across from one another, we went back outside to meet the boys and collect our luggage.

Nic was already hauling my suitcase towards me when I exited the brick building. Thanking him with a kiss on the cheek, I rush back inside, desperate for the heat the building provided.

"Night Ada. 10:00 AM sharp. I'm ready to get the hell to New York already." She offered me a small wave of her hand and a sly wink before disappearing down the hall, Preston close on her heels.

I almost didn't catch the small smile he sent me as he went.

A light hand on the small of my back made me snap out of my thoughts. "Ready?" Nic asked gently, a tired smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Nodding, I followed Nic's lead down the hallway Torez and Kat had disappeared down only moments ago.

It seemed like every time I was ready to collapse into a bed and let the darkness swallow me whole, something seemed to be taking over my mind, creating a barrier between me and my much needed rest.

The night before, it was my feelings towards Nicholas that kept me up all night.

Tonight, it was the fact that Preston confided to me in a way. I kept asking myself why. Why would he want to tell me anything given our rather rough history?

Sure, it stemmed from our childhood, but was Preston seriously taking the intelligent words that his grandparents had engraved into his head to heart?

So many fluky situations have been attacking me for the past few weeks. A ton of questions emanated from them, yet I did not have an answer for any fucking one of them.

What was my life coming to? I was only eighteen for crying out loud!

What was my life coming to? I was only eighteen for crying out loud!

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