12: Hello, New York City

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Chapter Song: Lush Life - Zara Larsson

"Mother freaking fucker!" I hissed sharply, stomping my foot like a child.

The light pressure of someone's hand on my shoulder made me snap my head to the side to glare at them.

"Calm down, Adalyn, you have no patience." Kat teased me lightly, grinning from ear to ear.

"I didn't know it would take such a ridiculously long time just to return the rental car!"

The four of us were currently in a very large, over the top rental car shop called Hertz in Brooklyn, New York. Too bad their service wasn't as ritzy as the building itself.

I made it clear to everyone that we wouldn't be bringing the newer Suburban model into New York City. Part of this trip was to experience typical New Yorkish things--like taking the Metro or hailing cabs.

What I didn't know was that it'd take longer than necessary to drop the damn car off. We had been here for the past forty-five minutes waiting for one of the staff members to give us paperwork and receipts.

"Dude, it's been like fifteen minutes," Torez pipes in casually, looking at me like I was dumb or something.

Sending him a death glare, I shake my head rather forcefully. "Has not, douchebag!"

His next actions surprise me so much, I can't help but gape at him.

He leans against the granite reception desk behind him and smiles at me. He doesn't say anything.

"Babe look, he's coming." Nic's deep voice from behind me makes me snap out of it and look in the direction the man had walked away to forty-five minutes ago.

"Alright, it looks like you guys are all set. Just make sure you give one of your parents this paper, okay? It's important," he emphasizes, making eye contact with all of us before handing the papers over to Nicholas.

Of course.

"Thank you, sir." Nic answered respectfully, quickly stepping back and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Let's go guys. Our parents are waiting for us back at the hotel." Kat lies quietly, making it a mission to keep her gaze on her feet.

She has never been good at lying. It's quite funny in situations like these. 

After saying goodbye to the short chubby man, we race out of the building, eager to get out of the situation--but mostly to get to New York City.

It took Kat no time to hail down a cab, something she practiced on the drive up.

The four of us climbed into the cab, some of our luggage sitting on our laps due to limited space in the trunk.

"Where to?" The young woman asked, a warm smile on her lips.

"New York City," I answer quickly, the excitement seeping through my words.

"Let me guess; tourists?" The smug smirk she sent me through the rear view mirror made me roll my eyes.

"Is it that obvious?" Katrina asks from the front seat, not taking her eyes off the scenery outside.

"Your friend back that confirmed my suspicions when she answered like a child would in a candy store."

I didn't mind her teasing, it just made me wonder. Did New Yorkers always poke fun at the tourists? Who am I kidding--who wouldn't?

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