7: A Piss Stop & the Munchies

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     Chapter Song: Some Kind of Drug - G-Eazy (Clean)

     "Are we close? I have to piss."


We've been on the road for a little over a half hour, and Preston was already starting to get on everybody's nerves, including Kats.

We all continued to ignore him.

"Oh, come on! I don't like being ignored." There was a slight amount of annoyance laced in his words and I couldn't help but bite down on my lower lip with way too much force, most probably drawing blood.

"Kat, babe. Answer me."

"Nic, my man. Tell me are we close to a gas station? I really have to piss. And I wouldn't mind grabbing some snacks."

Nic shook his head from beside me, his grip on my thigh tightening.

With another reluctant sigh, Preston leans forward, between the center console and pokes my cheek.


I immediately draw back, a low growl leaving my lips.

"For the love of god, Torez, you're worse than a fucking three year old! We literally started driving less than an hour ago and you have already given me a major headache." My words were venomous as I glared daggers at him.

"Serves you right. Now that you're listening is there a gas station close by?"

I don't directly answer his question, instead I turn to face the windshield, taking in our surroundings.

"Why the hell didn't you go before we left, you dipshit?"

I saw Preston lean back from my peripheral vision. He mockingly sniffs. "Your words hurt, Dominski."

Rolling my eyes that are bound to get stuck in the back of my head very soon, I kick my feet up on the dashboard.

"Fifteen minutes." Nic announces, driving down the country road at a fair speed.

"There's your answer, now shut the fuck up." I close my eyes, relaxing further in my seat.

A few minutes of shut eye wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, who wants to play the lisence plate game?"

I mentally face palm my forehead, but am thankful that I don't have to be the one to break the news to him when Kat speaks for me.

"Babe, we're in the country. There are literally no other cars around."

Preston murmurs under his breath before clicking his tongue. "Then let's play ispy!"

Now I really can't help but facepalm myself. Literally.

* * * *

     A little over ten minutes later, we pull into a vacant gas station. There was only one other car-- a beat up green convertible parked on the side of the small building.

When Nic stops the car, I waste no time in flinging the door open and jumping out.

Preston is going to make my head explode before we even get out of Texas.

I patiently wait by the hood of the car for Nic as Preston sprints into the building, leaving Kat behind.

Crossing my arms, I watch Kat shake her head shamefully before following her baby of a boyfriend into the gas station.

"Can we please ditch him here?" I plead with Nic when he reaches me.

Laughing lightly, he grips my hand and leads me into the gas station. "If only," he mutters quietly.

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