24: The Big Mistake & Great Escape

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     To the grave - Bea Miller
     I stood there, shell shocked. I was so stunned, I didn't even think about pulling away until I felt his hands grip onto my waist tighter, pulling me closer to him.

The pounding in my heart made an alarm sound off in my head, it's deafening sound made me wish the ground would open up and swallow me hole.

No! Preston's hands aren't supposed to be on me, they can't!

My mind was screaming at me, telling me that I was about to make this situation ten times worse, but my body wasn't listening.

My arms slipped into his hair, gripping on tightly. Almost greedily.

The screaming in my head didn't falter as Preston's arms pulled me even closer, my body flush against his. My lips seemed to have a mind of their own as they attempted to devour Preston's just as hungrily as his own.

I felt Torez's lips pull into a smile, but they never left mine.

That's all it took for me to come back to my sense.

When I realized just how bad I fucked up, I pulled away so quickly, you would have thought I had just gotten burned.

My chest was rising and falling rapidly, but I took a step back nonetheless.

When I risked a quick glance up at Preston, there was a deep frown on his lips.

"Adalyn.." He trailed off, desperation in his tone.

What the fuck did I just do? I've been pinning all of the blame on Torez, but in reality, I was the fucking asshole.

Granted, he wasn't all innocent in this situation either, but the feeling of guilt settled into my stomach, a wave of nausea passed over me at the thought.

Shutting out my mind that has gone haywire, I snap my eyes up to Preston when I notice him take a step closer.

His hair was tousled, like a pair of wild hands had been running through it. My fucking hands.

I held back the bile rising in my throat. I needed to leave, now.

I couldn't go anywhere without finishing what I had started.

My feet were moving before my mind even commanded them to.

They were going the opposite direction of the exit. They were going towards Preston.

His lips were parted slightly, and his eyebags have seemed to gotten significantly darker in the span of a few minutes.

"Ad--" He didn't get to finish his sentence before the sickly prominent sound of skin connecting to skin--and bone reverberated off of the walls.

Preston's body staggered back, the sounds of his groans being muffled by the hand covering his nose and mouth, the stream of blood leaking through his fingers.

The penetrating feeling in my right hand didn't hit me until I was scurrying for the door.

"What the fuck is it with you and violence, Jesus! Ada, wait!"

Ignoring his complaints and protests, I ignore any and all feelings as I firmly slam the door shut behind me.

It's not until I'm out of the building that I make a run for it.

I run, and I run, and I run. Until the burning taking over my body comes at me full force, due to me pushing myself over the limit. Even though my body was aching far worse than my busted up knuckles, I welcomed the feeling.

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