Tonight was the night.

I shook off the memory and sat up, placing a clammy hand on my forehead. Not for the first time I began to wonder what I looked like. Was my hair still chestnut colored and wavy? Were my eyes the same blue, or were they glassy? Did I still have my dimple?

Not wanting to dwell on things that can't be fixed, I decided to get out of bed. I fumbled to the door, searching for the handle. Opening it I was blasted with light, and my head began to pound.

Okay seriously, what the hell was going on?

My brain felt like it was jostling around with every step towards the front door that I took. Music was blasting from my brothers room upstairs and it left s stinging sensation in my ears.
It felt exactly how it was before my first shift.


I had Alphonse drive me to the park and I decided to take in the sunlight for a while. My feet were planted firmly on the bottom of the ponds bank as water rushed past me. It tickled my ankles and soothed me.

I lay my head back on the sand and closed my eyes, enjoying the quiet. I didn't mean to fall asleep, but sometime later I was awoken by the sound of shouting and laughter. I sniffed the air and was greeted with some of the pack members.

"Look, isn't that the blind girl?" One of the females whispered. I rolled my eyes with them still closed. Really, what gave it away genius? The scars on my face or the seeing dog attached to my hip?

"I think it is," a male whispered back. A few moments later I felt a sting on my arm.

"I think she should just kill herself. I mean, it is her fault that girl died," Another voice answered, and I felt my anger bristle at that. I don't care if they make fun of me, but no one brings her up.

"Maybe we should help her out," The previous girl snorted, and I felt different stings hit my body. They were chunking rocks at me.

All of a sudden I felt a hand on my arm and I was being lifted into the air. My eyes shot open and I tried to scream for Alphonse but someone's hand was over my lips in an instant. Alex was going crazy by my side, yapping and snarling at the attackers.

"Shut up you mangy mutt!" The male shouted, and a moment later a sickening crunch filled the air. Alex yelped and I felt my terror grow.

Please let him be okay moon goddess.

The leash around my waist fell loose and Alex started tugging away from me.

Yes Alex, run!

The leash ripped free.

"Ha, good one Jared," one of the girls laughed, and I heard them high five. I used this distraction to flop out of Jared's other arm and take off in the other direction. I only made it about ten foot before I felt someone tackle me from behind. I fell to the sand, my arm awkwardly bent in front of me. I heard a snap and screamed loudly. My arm was on fire.

"Stay still you little b*tch!" Jared snapped, pulling me up again. I thrashed around in his arms as he lifted me up in the air. I tried calling out again, but someone's hand connected with my cheek. The slap echoed and I felt a sob of desperation settling in.

"Throw her in the lake, Jared!"

I felt my terror triple as my body was drug across the dirty bank. Dirt changed to wood and I realised we were on the dock.

No, no, no, no!

They were going to throw me in the water.

"Light's out!" Jared chuckled, and I felt my body being thrown through the air and a moment later I was scrambling through open water. I managed to find the surface and sucked in some air before I went back down. I tried to hold my air in, but water filled my lungs.

Was I really going to die here?

My head came up one more time into open air, and I shouted for the one person who came to mind.



Cliff hanger.
So that was intense.
Sorry to end it here lol. But at least i managed an update am I right?

Hope everyone had an amazing thanksgiving you guys! I know mine was kind of plain, but I'm still happy anytime I get to visit with family. We always have thanksgiving dinner at my house though, so yay. More dishes to clean. Yippy.

How was the chapter? Do you think he's going to come to her rescue? Will anyone? So now you see the kind of judgement Bella has to go through. I'm trying really hard to make her a strong character who rises above, but remember. Crying just means you've been strong for to long. And sometimes we need a little help.

So Landon realised he has feelings for her has he? Yet he still won't accept her. This kid.

See you next time.


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