she doesnt know who i am

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Emma's POV

I'm speechless. I pull out of the hug and study her face. I see so many similar features between her and my mum. I bring her back into a hug.

"Where am I?" I ask

"You don't need to know that right now just know that your time isn't up yet" she says before my vision fades.

I then open my eyes again to see myself in a hospital room with doctors surrounding me.

"Oh thank god" one breathes wiping his forehead.

"What happened?" I croak out.

"Your heart stopped, you were clinically dead for a few minutes" another tells me.

I hear noises outside of my room yelling quite loudly.


"Sir just let her recover" the calm voice of a doctor responds to the desperate voice.

I tune out of that conversation and listen to the doctors who are asking me heaps of questions.

A nurse walks in and whispers to the doctor who nods.

"Emma, there are a few people who would like to see you, would you like me to send them in?" The doctor asks me and I nod.

The nurse walks back in with my mum and dad. Mum runs towards my hospital bed arms spread as she hugs me tightly.

"Hey mum" I whisper.

"Hi sweetie" she murmurs into my neck. She pulls away tears in her eyes to let dad hug me. Then speaks again.

"You want the others to come in?" She questions and I nod.

She walks out and me and dad talk about a few little things. She then walks back in with Ben, Matt, a boy and a girl around my age. But Ben and Matt look really different.

"Hey e-dasherhowdoin'" Matt says using our old inside joke.

"Fab ay m-dasherhowdoin'" I reply smiling.

"Emma are you okay?" The boy asks concern written in his words.

"I'm good but who are you?" I ask as I rack my brain trying to put a name to the familiar/handsome face. But his face shows hurt after he realizes my words. Everyone looks at him in pity, feeling sorry for him as he speaks.

"No one, it doesn't matter" he says before running out of the room. The girl follows him and my family and the doctor look at me worriedly.

"Emma what was the last thing you remember" the doctor asks so slowly I think I might have aged a few years. When he FINALLY finishes his sentence I think, what was the last thing I remember?

"Playing a soccer game and getting wiped out by some mammoth chick" I answer.

My family's faces show shock when I answer.

"Emma, that was 4 years ago" my mum says to me.

"What?" I ask the doctor "why can't I remember the last 4 years of my life, what happened that knocked all of that out of me?"

CODYS POV (come on we all knew it was gonna be him)

"She doesn't remember me, she doesn't remember me" I murmur to Alli sitting on the steps out the front of the hospital.

"This is your chance Cody, to be friends with her and then move forward" my beloved sister Alli tells me.

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