im an obsessive fan?

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Alli's POV

Emma tunes out for a bit listening to music so high I can hear it. I take this opportunity to ask Cody why he was a d*ck earlier.

"Cody, why were you so mean to Emma" I question.

"Didn't you see what she was listening to?" Cody asks looking straight at me. I click on the main button to see what the song was. Sure enough Not Just You was playing.

"That doesn't mean she's an obsessive fan, she's so nice" I comment.

"I just don't want to get close to a fan again" he says looking down.

"She's not like Anna (AN-not a real person) "

"Just keep thinking that..."

• • • • •

Emma's POV

I heard all of that. I have so many questions now. Who is Anna? Is she the reason cody hates me? Does cody think I'm an obsessive fan? And do they really think I did not hear any of that?

I take my earphones out and look at Alli.

"Whatcha doin?" I question elbowing her lightly.

"Nothing" she replies looking at me.

"Oooooo you wanna play SSM?"

"Sure after you describe the game"

" I say 3 guys and you have to choose to shoot one, shag one and marry one" I say excitedly.

" ok I'll go first, ummmmm, Harry Styles, Josh Hutcherson and JB"

"Shoot JB (sorry JB lovers no hate), Shag Josh Hutcherson and Marry Harry" I reply after thinking. " and you......" The game kept on going for a while and Heather and Michelle where giving people from school to Alli until the last one for me.

" ok Ssm Austine Mahone, Ross Lynch anddd Cody"


"You heard me"

"Shoot Austin (sorry mahomies x), shag Ross and m..a..r..r..y c..o..d..y" I finish quietly looking anywhere but Cody's direction incase he was listening.

"Well I'm going to sleep for a bit" I tell Alli quickly to avoid anything awkward. I soon fall into an endless slumber about one person.

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