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Count P.O.V

I tried to peacefully rest in my coffin as my idiotic servant Renfield drove the hearse. However, my thoughts of my Countess kept me awake. My children's incipient arguing was no help either. At times like these, I wished that she was here. She always managed to keep them in line with her magic touch. I couldn't take it anymore and woke up.

"Renfield!!" I shouted which made the hearse stop immediately. "What exactly is going on?"

"Sorry for disturbing you master." Renfield meekly stuttered.

"Silence." I hissed back

"Ingrid wants Renfield to turn the hearse around and go back to Transylvania." Vladimir replied

"Oh, you do do you. What about the angry torch-wielding Transylvanian peasant mob. Would you like to go back to them too?" I asked before going into a flashback. I ignored their petty argument until I noticed the foul stench. I impatiently ordered Renfield to go so that I could be rid of the mangy hound. We drove to the top of the hill and saw a dismal castle. Ingrid and Vlad wheeled in my coffin to the main room.

"Well, here we are at last. It's not exactly what I was expecting. I mean where are the cobwebs, the damp, the rotting corpses." I said with hints of disappointment

"Look dad. You just said find a castle. It was the best I could find on the internet on short notice." Vladimir explained. I stepped out of my traveling coffin to stand in the center of the room. Once my foot touched the floor, I could feel my darkness slowly seep into the castle.

"Well, I suppose I might feel better when I've had someone to eat." I said which prompted Renfield to scurry off in search of a peasant. I was trying to accept our new home when a new argument broke out. I clenched my teeth in irritation at their petty rivalry. This time I actually paid some attention since it was over rooms.

"Please this is very simple. Vladimir will have the room." I interjected which left Vladdy happy and Ingrid sulking.

"This is because he's your favourite, isn't it." Ingrid hissed

"Yes that's right." I replied as I "admired" the ceilings.

"I hate you more than garlic. Too bad mum isn't around to change that." Ingrid retorted which caused me to glare at her as she stormed off. Just as she was leaving Renfield came by carrying two portraits. One was of a smiling tan woman with dark brown hair and the other was of a brooding pale woman. The smiling portrait was much bigger and encased in an intricate gold oval frame. It was in pristine condition compared to the dirty, weathered smaller wood framed portrait.

"She is so much like her mother." I said somberly as I looked at the smiling portrait.

"I better not see one scratch on her when I go to my crypt. Place the other one in the attic, behind some boxes, under several sheets." I commanded Renfield

"Thanks Dad." Vladdy said with several small boxes in his hands

"Oh Vladimir, there's no need to thank me. You are the son and heir of the Dracula family. It's only right that you should be the best room." I said with endearment

"Well, actually I only wanted the tower room because I thought that I might get a TV. And the reception there is better." Vladimir confessed. I turned back to him angrily.

"We are vampires Vladimir. We do not do breather activities." I bellowed.

"Mum let us be a little human. She was only half anyway. She did say that it was better to know how to blend in a bit." Vladimir pleaded

The Lost Countess (Book 1) (Count Dracula fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now