Old Memories [12]

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Tenshi beats both deidara and hidan and become an official member of the akatsuki. She formally meets Kakazu, Kisame, Sasori, and Itachi.
Subtly avoids the uchiha and leaves the arena.

"I'm lost." I sigh inwardly.

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"Shut up you overgrown pigeon." I mumble out loud.

I put a mental block up with a roll of my eyes as she goes on yet another "DrAgOns ArE SuPerIor" speech.

After an hour of walking through the endless maze of the base, I still have yet to find my room; let alone find a single damn door.
"A fucking dead end." I sigh in irritation.
Sliding down against the wall with a huff. I can't believe I got myself stuck in the most wanted criminal organization...I should be home...speaking of home...

I find my mind wondering to a certain team. A team I hadn't really thought about in years till now. An image of the team from so long ago appears in my head making my lips twitch into a light smile.




Things used to be so simple...

My eyes falter at the particular phrase of the onyx eyed uchiha, unknown to the slight blush rising. I still held affection for the idiot but it wasn't the same as before. Besides there was no use hanging on to such affection as it would've only distracted me on my mission.  I couldn't afford to think about someone who turned their back on me nor would I hold it against him. As far as I'm concerned...the day he left was the day my feelings for him went with him...

Was he still with Orochimaru ?
Would he follow up with his goal!
Did he get the power her sought after?
I wonder if he and Itachi are the same?

I didn't know...My abilities only allow me to look at random instances in the future. For Sasori, I was able to see the moment he turned himself into a puppet two years later and glimpses of his future in the Akatsuki . For Sasuke, I was able to see him leaving the village one week later. Naruto, I saw him become hokage, a decade later with a little asshole of a son. It was all random.

"I've really gone and done it now. Joining the fucking Akatsuki. If the old man could see me now..." I sighed closing my eyes. I senses a chakra presence approach me.

"Leave me alone, don't you see me wallowing in self pity." I grumbled, not wanting to meet the Uchiha's eyes.

"Leader-sama sensed your chakra wandering off. These halls are for prisoners whom try to escape. He assumed you wouldn't know your way around so he sent me to give you a tour."
My eyes snap open rigidly, connecting with Itachi's eyes in disbelief. I immediately regret it as I wince and avert my eyes. Shit it's like I'm talking to Medusa. I internally groan. Whenever my own eyes connected with Itachi's, I could feel my Jikan no Me stir. And let me tell you, that shit burns. Instead of the breif burn I got when I activated my eyes, the shit was constant when I looked at Itachi; even when my eyes weren't activated.

Any thoughts I had about the two uchiha brothers being the same went straight out the window. Itachi had probably said more to me than Sasuke would say in a week back then.
Seeing as he was now walking away, I take that as a hint to follow him. I jogg alittle to catch up with him and now walk side by side, making sure to keep a huge amount of distance between us.

After showing me the library, the garden whom I now knew the plant man from earlier took care of, the training grounds, the dungeons, and the meeting room; I keep my gaze averted.
My original plan was to avoid the man but it seems I had no choice but to endure this pointless tour.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful he took the time out to probably unwillingly give me a tour but this tour was practically pointless. Anyone who knew me knew I had bad sense of direction. Hell it would take me years before I actually got the hang of where the fuck everything was. As if sensing my unease, I feel a pair of sharingan eyes on me.

"Are you afraid of me, Tenshi-San?"
His monotone voice breaks the silence.
"No." I reply sheepishly.

Only afraid of what I'll see if I get close.
I sense that he wanted to say more but he held himself back as we cut a corner into a larger room with 2 halls connected to it and a door which  had a burning smell coming from it.
My eyes widen slightly as I scan what i assume to be the living room. The room was rather simple with the same strange wall design as my room. It had one dark gray couch with 2 chairs on the side facing a medium sized tv which was settled on a tv stand. In the middle of the floor was a worn out red circular rug.

How the fuck did they get electricity in here?

A few ways to the right of  the furniture was a sturdy circular table with Deidara, Kakazu and Hidan whom all looked to be in an intense match of poker. After a moment, Kakazu places his cards down earning a curse from Hidan and a saucer eyed angry deidara.


"Shut up deidara, you just suck."

Kakazu utters with a glare whilst sliding the crumbled up dollars and change toward him.

Hidan shoots up with a finger pointed at the money loving man matching the blondes anger.

Kakazus stoic expression turns to one of irritation as an irk mark emerges on his temple."They are not sex tentacles, they are stitches you idiot."

"Yeah fucking right you old bastar-"

I stand next to Itachi with a raised brow in amusement. The albinos head goes flying off his shoulders into the wall beside the door I had noticed earlier making it crack. I stare at the decapitated head with an incredulous look as hidans eyes burn in anger as an irk mark appeared on his temple.

"You motherf-"

the door from next to Hidan slams open cutting the swearing albino off behind it.
The burning smell from earlier intensifies as a murderous konan steps through the door way with an stained apron around her waist.

"Stop ruining the base you imbeciles!"

"Fuck you u-" with a sharp wave of her hand paper shuriken shoot after the now frantic deidara whom zooms past us.

"Senpai!" A familar childish voice screeches down the hall followed by a, "Katsu!"

I sweatdrop at the explosion that rumbles through the base making me glance at the still emotionless uchiha.

"Is it always like this?"

He sighs irratably and turns away as if ashamed to be in such a childish organization.
"Only On good days."
Tenshis now 17
Itachis 20 now decides to only make him 3 years older instead of 21

Deidaras 19

We all know how old Sasori is physically (15)and mentally (35)
Kakazus old af but still hot
Tobi, konan, and Pein are in their early 30s I think.
Kisames like late 20s I think
Hidans around 22-3 I believe
Zetsus ancient.
Naruto and Sakura are still 16 but close to 17 like the other rookies
Sasukes already been turned 17


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