Chapter 7

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The company marched endlessly, wary of their surroundings. Lirah stood at the end of the line, with her was the halfling she from the shire. '' I have always wanted to visit the shire, what's it like?'' she asked curiously.

The hobbit perked up and stood taller, smiling at her '' It is truly beautiful, with small hills and all. Plenty of villages and towns'' He then frowned, his proud smile turning into a rueful one. '' Oh I miss it dearly ''

Looking far ahead the elf agreed ''Sometimes we have to leave , so we would know where our home truly is''. Thinking about it for the first time, her heart was moved , remembering the ordeal that Thorin and the others had to suffer. The world was not the same as it once was, peace never stays for too long. Bilbo admired her and her wisdom, wanting to speak with her more. He loved elves the most , saved the hobbits of course.

Suddenly a great mountain appeared before them, its path narrow and rocky. Worry filled all of them.

They were short yes but many of them were not thin enough to fit the narrowness of the walls. '' I suppose we shall wait for Gandalf?'' Lirah said, but Thorin continued to move. The other dwarves did continue but their pace slow.

''We do not have the time'' he said impatiently not slowing down, urging the others to walk faster.

''It is not safe, a storm is coming, and Gandalf might know a better path..'' The senses of the elves are far superior than any creature, she had felt the change in temperature long before the others do. The mountain was not a threat to her for she is light on her feet, but the others who are carrying many supplies, not so.

''Listen , elf, we will continue'' he said as he stopped so suddenly that Kili crashed in to him. '' You are welcome to leave if you wish'' his tone unfriendly . With all the superior senses that elves had, none of it stood in comparison to the dwarf's stubbornness. If Lirah has heard correctly , she was told that they were born that way.

''As you wish'' she said, dropping her belongings and standing firm on the ground. Gandalf would have been wiser in situations such as this, she stayed as she assumed the dwarves would not dare continue when the raging storm comes. It would be better if she prepared a shelter for all of them once they come back.

However, Thorin continued along with the reluctant Bilbo. ''Sorry'' he mouthed to her so quietly so that he would not be heard.

Soon enough they disappeared from her view. All alone in the wilderness, she lit a lamp that she carried, and tried to find a shelter quickly. she wishes not to spend the night drenched and cold. Approaching a small opening to a cave, she closed her eyes, wishing away the dark thoughts that are trying to occupy her mind.

As far as her reach, she had not heard nor felt dark presence, an odd thing to happen , as middle earth is now filled with orcs and other evil creatures that comes with them. She was thankful but hoped that the others was blessed with safety also. The dwarves were not the most pleasant companions but their hearts is kind.

Approaching it slowly, she let herself relax as it was unoccupied. Sitting on the ground and drawing her knees up to her chin she sighed , for the last time she was in a cave , she was tortured by orcs. She wondered if Celebrian faired better? Has she been healed body and soul?

Lowering her face to her knees, she thought of Legolas. Would he hate her if he knew that it was her that left Thranduil? Would he cast her away like his father did?

Smaug smothered the grand city of the mountain Erebor with great fire, taking many lives dwarves and men alike. Lirah pleaded with Thranduil, to aid them.

''Please , my love, we must help'' she said tenderly , taking his hands in hers. With tenderness and love in her eyes, only bitterness and hatred was in his. '' They have brought this upon themselves , I have warned them and they did not take heed'' he said rather harshly.

''Does it mean we shall turn our eyes away? '' he stayed quiet, knowing that his words would only add a rift to their relationship.

''I will go'' she said determined, sure that there are other elves that are willing to help. Squeezing his hands softly, she kissed his cheeks. She felt him relaxed under her hold, but soon he was back and tensed as he was before.

'' You are welcome to accompany me and the others''

As she made a move to stand up, his hand moved swiftly to hold her in place. '' No, you will stay here with me'' his voice was so cold that she could not believe it was her husband speaking. ''You will not shame your king''

'' You speak as if I was your slave, I am your wife'' she said not believing the words she was hearing was coming from the man she had dearly loved, her patience tested by her husband's stubbornness. '' I will not tolerate this any longer Thranduil, your anger and bitterness blinds you.'' The questionable things he has done, she had stayed quiet , but he has gone too far. Far from her reach, he simply was not the king he once was.

''I will close all of our borders, no one will enter and no one leaves'' he says shifting in his seat, his eyes drifting to the large door in the midst of the throne room. ''Even you'' he warned.

''I-- if that is what you wish Thranduil, then so will it be'' she said standing up and walking away. Ignoring his heated gaze , she continued though her pace slow, hoping that he would change his mind.

He did not.

So she set out to travel with some of the woodland elves, carrying with them food and medicine. Lirah had helped them in many ways that she could, wanting to mend the alliance between. Some dwarves were forgiving, but did not forget.Many days she had stayed and communed with them, and when everything was settled, they marched back to Mirkwood.

The heart of the dear elf still yearned for the woodland King, awaiting his embrace when she had arrive, instead she was turned away. Meoneth, her dearest friend broke the news of her banishment, along with the others that came with her. Overwhelmed with sadness , she turned away , not bothering to question anything. Feeling betrayed, Lirah had her heart set on going back to Rivendell.

It was the time then that Mirkwood changed, it's trees treacherous. Lirah and her companions were scattered and lost, targeted by spiders and orcs. The foul creatures did not hesitate slaughtering them, saving the queen of Mirkwood for last. It was their own way of revenge, they hated Thranduil and his kind. The orcs did not know mercy, torturing the elf in many ways, before abandoning her to die alone.

When she was found, Elrond thought she would not survive, Lirah had used all of her healing powers to save the child inside her. It was then that Lirah had decided to have Legolas in Rivendell and to conceal his existence. The sudden noise brought the elf back to reality and presence, it was Gandalf, his cloak drenched in rain.

''We must hurry!'' he exclaimed, waving his staff back and forth. ''The company need our help'' Rising from the ground, the elf made ready her weapon, ready to help and rescue her companions. 

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