Chapter 2

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Many years after..

Gandalf took upon himself to travel to Rivendell , to ask a particular elf to aid his newly found adventure. The old wizard hesitated at first, but soon came to the conclusion that it has to be done. Even though she lacks skill in battle[after the tragedy], she possesses great ability of healing which is vital for Thorin's success.

He traveled since the morning, arriving finally at the elven realm at night. He was greeted courteously by the elves , offering him supper , but that was not what the wizard came for. It was for the Lady of Rivendell , Lirah. It was no surprise to him when the elves hesitated, but the wizard was persistent and none can stand in his way. Lindir came soon after, trying to explain to him why it is not possible.

Gandalf sighed, he had no time for this. ''I'll come to her chambers myself then'' he proclaimed, stepping out and leaving the elf by himself. '' Gandalf!'' Lindir exclaimed, not knowing what to do.

There is grief still at the wizard's heart, for he still could not forget when the news had reached him, but he knew that if he let her lock herself up to the world, it would do nothing good to her spirit and body.

Mustering the courage to knock, the grey wizard lightly pounded the door with his fist. One , two, Three knocks , and yet there was no reply. ''My Lady, this is Gandalf'' the wizard knew that if it was him, she would allow it. They were close friends for many years.

There was light footsteps that could be heard, the old man braced himself. It has been years since he last visited her, and the last time he had seen her, her wounds were still new, he hoped that now he would at least see some light in her eyes. For if not, he feared she would fade soon and die. The door opened slightly, and he took it as a sign that he could let himself in.

There she sat, adorned in white robes, looking out at the window. ''I came here, to ask you a favor'' he said, as he walked closer to her. He felt as though as she was listening, so he continued.

''I have friends that will need your help; I know that you loved adventures. They are kind and I am sure you will be fond of them too'' he purposely left the part that his friends were dwarves, as he yet to seek permission from Thorin.

The elf turned her gaze towards the wizard, her curiosity peeking, '' You cannot remain in these halls forever, you must go out there, and reclaim the life you once had'' urged the wizard, but the elf did not reply, only looking at him with sad eyes.

''There is enough grief here in this world my dear friend, we must fight through it. We will be meeting at the shire, where there would be a mark upon the door. The time and hour has not been set yet, but I will send out a great eagle with a message. ''

Walking closer to the elf, he held her hands within his '' This journey will take you right to him. Your traveling companions will take you there safely, find your courage and unite with him. For he is bitter and stubborn, and madness is threatening to come over him''

''He does not want me Gandalf, for if he did he would be here instead of you''

She replied to him using her mind, Gandalf sighed , for he was unsure if he wanted her back. For years he did not send for her, nor ask for her. The only thing he was sure of was that his love for her was great, and love for elves are eternal . '' Yes my dear friend, I am certain''

Queen of Mirkwood (hobbit/lord of the rings fanfic)**Under Major Construction**Where stories live. Discover now