The Silver Eyed Girl & The Lightning Warrior Part 2

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Seth: DON'T CALL HER THAT!!!!!!!

Seth shot streams of lightning out of his hands, and shocked Wave, making him drop to his knees. Ruby rushed him, and kicked him into another building. Seth fired lightning attacks at the building's support frame, and it came crashing down. Wave came crawling out of the rubble.

Wave: What the hell are you....

Y/N: You wanna know what she is? She's my daughter, and she's the one, who is going to finish you.

Wave: shut up........SHUT UUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wave dashed at you with his spear, but you weren't afraid at all.

Y/N: Hmph, arrogant fool.

You caught the spear by the head, and kicked him away.You joined Ruby and Seth and the three of you began to slowly make your way to him.

Y/N: You have committed crimes that are unforgivable. Prepare to meet your fate.

You threw his own spear back at him as it hid him across the face, breaking half of his face mask.

Seth: This if for tackling me through a building.

Seth electrocuted him with streams of lightning.

Ruby: This is for hurting my friends and family.

Ruby blasted him with an energy wave of light that shot used from slashing the air, causing his armor to dent.

Y/N: And this is for hurting and betraying my little girl's heart and trust.

You leaped into the air, and delivered an axe kick to the top of his head, sending him to the ground.

Wave: T-This c-can't be.....I'm stronger....than all of you *groans* where.....where did you get so much power from......WHERE!?

Y/N: You thought you could gain power from making those around you fear you? How arrogant can one be? No, true power lies within. The things we use in battle are not our weapons. Our spirits and will to fight are. That, is where power comes from.

Wave: This is crazy! You're all crazy!!

Seth: Says the one who's yelling.

Wave began to back up, and his armor had released from his body.

Wave's Thoughts: Damn, I'm out of aura.

Ruby: This is your punishment for the crimes you have committed, be gone, Wave.

You, Ruby ad Seth began to charge power into your weapons. Your spear glowed a bright (F/C) aura, while Ruby's scythe had an immense white aura around hers, and Seth's morning star had an electrifying blue surrounding his.


The three of you blasted him with your energy, and created a giant explosion.


Wave was hit by all three, and completely annihilated by the blast, leaving only Grand Chariot's key. All three of you floated to the ground, and you picked up Grand Chariot's Key.

Y/N's Thoughts: We'll see who you're compatible with later, for now, rest, Grand Chariot.

Stop Song

Ruby's armor had released and her eyes began to stop glowing, indicating she had stopped using her powers. Then, she blacked out, and fell, but Seth caught her.

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