New Places, New Allies

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       “Fair enough,” Zelda said. “Come on I’ll show you what Skylar found and maybe you and Tyra can work on a solution.” Poseidon’s daughter nodded and with a glance at Saar she left the room.

       “You brought me for her,” Saar stated once they were gone.      

       “If you ever try and harm her or put her in harm’s way again I will kill you,” Marius said not hiding his anger. “Don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t have left you there. Yes, Andrew grabbed your limp body for her sake. Because of you Kailani almost suffered under Ramiero. I got there just in time. You do not deserve to have been saved. I do not understand why she cares what happens to you. I don’t even understand why she bothered to treat your injuries. We both know you’d have killed her given the chance out of jealousy.”

       Saar looked down and away angrily. It was then he noticed an injury he’d received on his arm was healed. Marius’ words came back to him. “Treat me?” he asked.

       “Skylar knows more about water healing abilities than the rest of us,” Ares son informed the water demigod. “We couldn’t put you in water but water put in a bowl can be used to heal your injuries. Kailani has been seeing to your injuries. If not for her you’d be a lot worse off. Ardin split your head open with whatever he hit you with; probably a sword hilt.”

       “You have no reason to hate her Saar,” Andrew said. “She’s gifted and talented but so are you. The difference is the ocean loves her. Probably because she respects life. You do however have a reason to hate Ramiero and Ardin. You could have been killed.”

       “Next time you think getting rid of her is a good idea you might want to remember she saved your ass,” Marius told him and walked away leaving the room.

       “Does hurting Kailani really gain you anything?” Andrew asked. Without waiting for a reply he left the room closing the door behind him.

       Saar let out a sigh. All of his plans had gone awry. Hazel eyes narrowed as he thought of the betrayal of Ares son. “As soon as I’m well you’re going to pay,” he said angrily to the empty room.

       Slowly he began looking the stone room he was in over. As his eyes fell on a small bowl of water and a cloth his focus shifted to his half-sister. He’d viewed her as a threat. Most demigods and demigoddesses craved power. Saar had expected his sister to crave it as well. Poseidon’s son had considered Kailani’s mannerisms to be an act. The idea she could truly be genuine disturbed him. Kailani had saved him when she could have left him for dead. He had no doubt Ramiero would have killed him. Especially after Marius taking Kailani from him.

       His thoughts turned to the last time he’d seen his father. Poseidon had told him he’d rather lose than for something to happen to his sister. Kailani was special to his father but he wasn’t sure why. It was true she was the only daughter of Poseidon in centuries but he didn’t understand why that would matter. He was still amazed his father hadn’t struck out when Kailani had gotten physical with their father. Poseidon was proud of him and he knew that. What was it about Kailani that made things different? Why did the sea love her? How were they different? Silently Saar contemplated.

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