Bad Encounters

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Warning: You're going to be mad pissed after reading this chapter, you've been warned. Enjoy.


"But you don't wanna be high like me,

Never really knowing why like me,

You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster,

and be all alone."

-I Took A Pill In Ibiza, Mike Posner-

Vincenzo Colombo

"Vincenzo," I turned from the dull sky to come face to face with Jaggar's wicked smile that hunts me to no end. "You could've killed me." He victory in his tone was very, unpleasantly, clear as he pushed his hand forward, a black, heavy object in his hand. A defeated sigh ran through my lips at the sight of the gun in his control. The more my hands shook, as the more I tried to stop them from doing so.
I could've killed him.

"You could've..." His voice was no more blending with the wind-- it was more clear, because apparently, we weren't outside in the dark anymore, presented with the dull sky. We were in his area. The area he ruled. The area he controlled. I'm in his territory-- the place he got to rule.

I'm standing there with his puppets around me, stopping me from escaping the defeat. I can't do anything about it. I'm alone here.

I shut my eyes, ears, brain and heart from the cruel world around me. Blocking everything. Could I shut my ears off? No I couldn't, I could feel the slide of the gun, and I was about to feel the trigger, too.

And I felt the pull of the trigger. I opened my eyes so I could see my death-- instead I saw a life before my eyes. Peacefully sleeping beside me.

Mary Jane.

Bad dream, Vincenzo, bad dream.

A heavy sigh left my lips as I thought of the living nightmare that happened hours ago with Jaggar. Since that, all I've been thinking about is; I could've killed him. But I didn't. I have reason why I didn't kill him, but he took the very wrong way.

I decided to break the intense silence and eye contact with my used to be brother and asked, "Dove sono i soldi?" He smiled and gestured his guy with a pointer finger, and I clenched my jaw at the suitcase with notes inside it. "Marco, Johnny, go count." A huge piece of me wants at least one note to be missing so that I can take Jaggar's guy back to my territory with me-- I don't want the money at all, I just wanted to make him suffer. But he looks victorious. Like he won, like he has the victory.

My eyes distantly stayed on my guys as they stood up after a while. Marco just nodded and walked back behind me, while Johnny stood beside me and mumbled, "Damn, Boss, everything is on fucking point. You're screwed." I gave him a sharp stare and pushed him back,

"Shut up, fucker." Breathing in, I changed my expression when I faced an amused Jaggar, a smirk forming on my face. "Non lo voglio." I motioned towards the suitcase on the ground, watching Jaggar's own expression fall.

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