"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

After a couple moments of silence, I spoke up again "So what happened?" I asked.

He looked at me confused "May?"

He rubbed the back of his neck in awkward "We dated after you left, for sport period of time. For almost a month before she left me, she couldn't be in a relationship with a guy who wanted to be by his best friend's side more than hers"

I looked down to my half eaten chocolate bar "Oh I'm sorry, I know how much you cared about her"

He gives me a weak smile "It's okay; I mean she was right anyways, I cared about you more that I cared about her. I still do, always"

I tucked a strand of my half behind my ear as I looked away in silence.

A moment of silence passed before he spoke up again "It's getting late, we should go to bed, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow"

I looked down to my hand then got up "Oh, I'm sorry, I should go. Goodnight, Noah" I said then marched to the door.

"You can stay here" he said as he stopped me by tagging on my hand "I can sleep on the couch, you can take the bed"

He tagged on my hand to brought me closer to him so we were face to face "Just like old time, you can stay here with me and we can go for breakfast in the morning"

He brushed his fingers across my check "Please?"

I turned away from him and tucked my hair behind my ear nervously "I can sleep on the couch, you can take the bed"

A smile crosses his lips "No, no. You're my guest, you deserve the bed more"

Before I could protest "Don't argue, go, take the bed"

A smile crossed his face again when I obeyed his order.

I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing and turning all night for hours. We laid there in silence, me looking over to the window and he on the couch, on his back with both his arms under his head as he stared at the ceiling in silence.

'My god, Alex' my brain yelled at me 'Be selfish for once in your life and do what you want instead of putting everyone's feelings first'

After 10 minutes of debating, I gathered every little piece of courage I had and went over to him. He didn't seem to be surprised when I straddled his waist. He just gave me a small smile and pushed himself up so we were face to face.

"You and me belong together, no matter how much you try to deny it, Alex" He said as he brought me closer to his lips "I made the mistake of letting you walk away from me once, and I will not let that happen again. I love you"

I wanted to say it back but I was afraid, I was afraid that I would fall right back into that death trap you call love and get heart broken all over again. I just lowered my lips to his and kissed him. I know that I didn't have to say it for him to know how I feel about him, he already knows that I love him, he knows that I always have and always will be. He knows me better than anyone in my life.

...You know where things led too, I don't have to tell you what happened in details ;) ...

*The next morning*

The morning after was hard, I couldn't get out of his arm and leave him so i just stayed there for an hour cuddling his warm body like a body pillow. But I knew that I had to do this, I had to leave or I will get tangled into this mess all over again, we'll both get hurt.

I slowly untangled myself from him and replaced it with one of the pillows laying on the side of the bed, then placed one last kiss on his check before I got out the bed. I tipped toed across the room, picked up on my undergarments then slipped them on. When I reached the dress, I stopped, I couldn't possibly take this dress home with me, he got his dress for and it's way too expensive; I can't accept it, specially because I'm about to leave him. I slowly tipped toed to his suitcase and took the hoodie that was on top of it, he probably wore it recently since it was covered in his smell but I didn't care, I was gonna leave it back in my house and ask my mum to send it back to the house when I leave.

Falling for my gay best friend [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now