Chapter Seventy-One: Family Bonding

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Back at the Cabin, we rested up. After explaining Dead man's blood and the way to get it (which isn't rocket science) Dean left and it was just me, Sammy and John. Hunter went with Dean, because I didn't want John around Hunter as much as possible.

As John did more research, and I continued to read my disguised spell book, Sam was pacing back and forth. I was deep into my book, trying to figure out why I couldn't get a simple unlocking spell to work.

"It shouldn't be taking this long." Sam stated again. "I should go help."

"Dean's got it." John told him.

"Hunter is with him, he is fine." I added. None of these words seem to calm Sam down. He still stood staring at the door waiting for his big brother to walk in.

"Sammy." John called. I slumped into the couch more, giving them "privacy". I knew this was gonna be some sort of "deep" talk.

"Yeah?" Sam responded, stopping his pacing to face John fully.

"I don't think I ever told you this but, the day you were born, you know what I did?" John asked him. Sam shook his head. "I put 100 bucks into a savings account for you. I did the same thing for your brother. It was a college fund....and every month I put in another $100 until..."

We all got quiet. John never really talked about Mary, no one ever pushed him on the subject either. It was the unspoken painful bond the three boys had.

"Anyway, my point is, Sam, that...this is never the life that I wanted for you." John explained.

"Then why'd you get so mad when I left?" Sam asked.

"You got to understand something. After your Mother passed, all I saw was evil everywhere. And All I cared about was keeping you boys and your sister alive. I wanted you prepared...ready. So somewhere along the line, I,uh....I stopped being your father.

I was shocked at the words coming from John's mouth. Sam began to come closer and sit in the chair in front of John as he continued. 

"And I...I became your drill sergeant. So when you said you wanted to go away to school, all I could think about...My only thought was that you were gonna be alone...Vulnerable. Sammy, It just...It never occured to me what you wanted. I just couldn't accept the fact that you and me...we're just different."

Sammy gave a breathy laugh, and I knew he was tearing up. Hell I was, and John wasn't even talking to me.

"What?" John chuckled.

"We're not different." Sammy told him. "Not anymore....With whaat happened to mom and Jess...hell we probably have a lot more in common than just about anyone."

"I guess you are right, Son." The room felt warmer. I felt the bond of love come back together. Never in a million years did I think I would see them together again, not after the screaming match of hell when Sam left.

"Hey, Dad? What ever happened to that college fund?" Sam asked.

"Spent it on ammo." John replied, and A three of us chuckled. Both of them turned to me in shock for a moment. "Kat, forgot you were here."

"Just got here, why did I miss anything good?" I asked, trying to play it off. Before they could awnser, Dean and Hunter walked into the shabby cabin. Hunter came and sat on the couch with me. He moved my legs and sat down, placing my legs on top of his. He did it so fast that Dean hadn't gotten the door closed yet.

"Whoo!" Dean shouted, placing more of the attention on him. "Man, there's some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys."

"Did you get it?" John asked him. Dean pulled a brown lunch bag out of his pocket and pulled the large mason jar of blood from it. He then placed it on the table.

"Let's just say the guys had their legs between their tails." Dean smirked as he winked at me. Hunter gave me a sheepish smile.

John picked it up and smiled. I never seen this man smile more in my whole life than he just did in barley an hour. He looked at the four of us.

"You know what to do."


We all waited till it became dark. Dean parked Baby off the side of the road, while the rest of us hid. Dean was bait. He was to pretend like Baby was broken (which would never happen) and wait for the vamp to come to the rescue. 

I was getting antsy, I never liked Dee being bait. I was always bait. It gave me comfort to know I was bait, and my brothers were safe. John stressed it had to be Dean and not me. The boys had no arguments there.

John gave me the crossbow, knowing I was the better shot. He knew too I was getting antsy. I felt a hand on my shoulder, one that gave off comfort. I thought it was Hunter, only for it to be John. He gave me a reassuring nod and lowered the bow.

Suddenly, a woman appeared behind dean. Her outfit was mainly denim, from her jeans to her vest. She had the rocker chick outfit down to a tee. Her long brown hair fit her heart face shape.

"Car Trouble?" She asked so innocently. She started to walk towards Dean, with her hips moving side to side. "Let me give you a lift, take you back to my place."

"I'll pass." Dean said with his famous smirk. "I usually draw the line at necrophillia."

The woman back handed Dean, sending him flying. I almost went to soon, but John was there to stop me. A large black man with the same Rocker look came out smiling.The woman grabbed Dean by the jaw and lifted him up. He was grunting in discomfort as she squeezed his face.

"I don't normally get this friendly till the second date." Dean told her. One thing that Dean will always have no matter what, is his ability to be a smartass no matter what.

"You know, we could have some fun." The woman cooed. "I always like to make new friends."

She shoved her mouth onto Dean's, sucking at it. I suddenly became so thankful that I was not bait. John removed his hand from the bow, so I could aim.

"Oh, sorry. I never really stay with a chick that long. Definitely not eternity."

With those words I let my first bolt out. It landed in the back of the black man, and pierced all the way through. I quickly reloaded and sent the next one through the bitches heart. She let go of Dean and turned to face me. It wouldn't kill them, but it was satisfying. 

"Damn it." The woman muttered. The four of us began to move out onto the road, locking eyes with the bitch. "Barley even stings."

"Give it time, sweetheart." John said. "That arrow's soaked in dead man's blood."

I watched her smirk quickly faded.

"Isn't that like poison for you?" I asked her, placing the crossbow on my shoulder. Sam placed te other vamp on his knees, and Dean caught the woman as she passed out.

"Load her up, I'll take care of this one." John ordered. Hunter went to help Dean with the bitch as John pulled out his blade. He looked at me and Sam and nodded. He wanted to do this alone. We both respected his wishes....kind of. Sam had to pull me away but it was baby steps with John.

Baby Steps to actually having a Father.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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