Chapter Two: Bridges Of The Past

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Sam took me to his apartment. It was cute, small, and cozy. You could tell that Sam lived here with the piles of books that were opened mid-way, yet to be completed. I followed him into his room. It had a big bed and a dresser with trophies, make up and jewelry on it. On the nightstand I saw a photo of me, Dean and Sam from when we were kids. Dad took us to Uncle Bobby's for the week. I was 8 years old.

"Let's play hide and go seek!" I cheered.

"Fine, your it!" Sam says and points to Dean. We run off into the lot of broken cars. I hid in one, waiting to be found. I heard Sam and Dean yelling for me. They couldn't find me. I snuck out of the car and got behind them.

"BOO!" I yelled, making both of them jump. Dean then started to laugh and put me on his shoulders. He was 15, so he was big and strong. Uncle Bobby then came out with his camera and took a picture of us. Then Sam got on Uncle Bobby's shoulders and we started to play chicken. Sam was small for an 11 year old so he was easy to carry.

Sam came out with a girl. She had blonde hair and wore a big sweatshirt that went down to her thighs. I guess she was wearing shorts cause It looked like she wasn't wearing pants. She looked me up in down. I completely forgot what I was wearing. It was one of Dean's jackets with my dark purple tank-top, my ripped black jeans and my red Doc Martins. I looked like a wanna be bad ass. She put her hand out.

"Hi I'm Jessica. But please, call me Jess." I took her hand and shook it.

"Katarina." I didn't know her so I didn't tell her my nickname. It was quiet for a bit and then Jess looked at Sam.

"I'll meet you in the car," Sam stuttered. He left, leaving me and Jess alone. She sat on the bed and nodded at me to follow.

"Sorry If this is weird, I met Dean so I wanted to meet you too." She said with a smile. She seemed nice.

"You and Sam close?" I asked.

"Yeah, he talks about you two a lot you know." My head shot up when she said that.

"Really?" She nodded and smiled widener.

"He talks about you the most. His little sister Kat. He said you guys were basically twins." She giggled and that made me smile. I could see why Sam liked her. "I am sorry about your dad. Sam doesn't talk about him much."

"Yeah, they had a falling out."

"Just bring him home safe." I saw in her eyes how much she loved him. I nodded and left the apartment. The boys were in the car and Sam was in the front. I climbed into the back.

"Sammy you took my seat." I growled as I leaned into the seat and Dean started the car. It was silent as Dean drove. I lied down in the back and shut my eyes letting the car's motor sing me a lullaby.


I woke up to "The Ramblin Man" playing out of the car. We were at an old looking gas station. Sam was in the front examining our tapes, and I guess Dean was getting food.

"Morning." Sam said with slight smile.

"Morning." I said quietly. I was still half asleep.

"What did you and Jess talk about?" Of course we had to talk about his life back home. Couldn't give me five minutes.

"Said you talked a lot about us and to bring you home safe." I said as I got out of the car to stretch. The gas pump made an old fashioned "RING!" to indicate that the tank was full. I took the hose out and put it back on the pump, feeling the impala's warmth underneath me as I leaned against it. Dean cam out with food in his hands and some drinks. He handed me a giant monster. Green, my favorite. I smiled and took it from him, grabbing a granola bar from him in the process. He offered one to Sam but he declined.

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