Chapter Fifty: My Friend

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Dean and I were in the Motel waiting for Dear Sammy. Dean was looking up Meg Masters on the laptop. I was sitting on the floor playing with Hunter. I don't have much time to do that anymore but I miss doing it. I love Hunter. When I was alone with him, I told him everything. I would get a bark here or there, but it was something. I was also contemplating what Sam told me. I wanted to tell Dean soooo badly. However, the fear stopped me. I saw how badly he reacted with Sam, I saw the overwhelming aspect. He also snapped at Sam for it a lot. But my biggest fear, was Dad finding out.

I never talk about my Dad, because we had an awkward relationship. He didn't know how to raise a girl. He raised me like the boys, only harder. Unlike Sam, I didn't do clubs or sports. I went to school, then went training. Dean and Bobby did there best to get me out there, but it never worked out that way. There was on day a year Dad would actually be a dad, and that was June 15th. I never knew why that day specifically. It wasn't my birthday, which we never celebrated. I would try to get or make the boy's something for theirs. Sam made a big deal of mine but it never involved Dad. He was never one for showing Emotions. I never told the boys this, but once he got so drunk after Sam left, he hit me. MY birthday, Dean had to pull me away from him due to how angry he was. But I was always loyal, never disobey. I was a good little solider, until now. Now I am having second thoughts. Sam kinda showed me that path, so now i was on the fence.

Dean phone rings, which brought me out of my thoughts. Dean looked up from the computer. He awnsers it and puts it on speaker.

"Let me guess. You're lurkin' outside that poor girl's apartment, aren't you?" Dean said with a sinister grin.

"No." Sam says. We look at the phone, knowing its BS. He sighed. "Yes."

"You've got a funny way of showin' your affection." Dean grinned.

"Did you find anything on her or what?" Sam said, ignoring Dean's joke. I get up off the floor to put in my two-cents.

"Sorry, man, she checks out. There is a Meg Masters in the Andover phonebook. I even pulled up her high school photo. Now, look, why don't you go knock on her door and, uh, invite her to a poetry reading, or whatever it is you do, huh?" Dean joked, but Sam ignored it once more.

" Yeah, that I did have some luck with." Dean pulls up a page he was on for research."It's, uh—turns out it's Zoroastrian. Very, very old school, like two thousand years before Christ. It's a sigil for a Daeva."

"The Hell is a Daeva?" I ask as I look over his shoulder.

"Oh now your interested." Dean smirks. I playfully push him and he continues. "It translates to "demon of darkness". Zoroastrian demons, and they're savage, animalistic, you know, nasty attitudes—kind of like, uh, demonic pit bulls."

"Fun." I snort.

"How'd you figure that out?" Sam asked. 

"Give me some credit, man. You don't have a corner on paper chasin' around here." I scoff as well as Sam.

"Oh, yeah? Name the last book you read." Dean tries to think of it but It was taking to long.

"He called Caleb, Dad's friend." I tell Sam.

"Thanks for selling me out Kat." Dean mumbles. "Anyway, here's the thing—these Daevas, they have to be summoned, conjured."

" So, someone's controlling it?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, that's what I'm sayin'. And, from what I gather, it's pretty risky business, too. These suckers tend to bite the hand that feeds them. And, uh, the arms, and torsos." Dean says as he crosses his arms.

"So, what do they look like?"

"Well, nobody knows, but nobody's seen 'em for a couple of millennia. I mean, summoning a demon that ancient? Someone really knows their stuff. I think we've got a major player in town. Now, why don't you go give that girl a private strip-o-gram?" Dean grins. I hears sam Scoff and roll his eyes.

"Bite me." 

"No, bite her." I tell him.

"Don't leave teeth marks, though—" Dean says, then a beep comes from the phone. "Sam? Are you—?" He hung up on us. Then the phone dings and it is a text from Sam. 

Kat has something to tell you

It reads. I groan. Son of a bitch, what am I gonna tell him. I can't tell him the truth, right? I mean.....Damn it Sam.

"You got something to tell me?" Dean asks with his brow raised. 

"No....nothing." I say and head to the bed, but Dean grabs my arm.

"Kat you have sat out on the past few hunts because you are "weak" from the Reaper thing. I know your lying, what is buggin you?" I sighed and ran my fingers in my hair, unsure of what to do. He loosens his grip and I grab my jacket and Hunter's leash.

"I'll be back." Before he can get a word in, I close the door. I need to clear my head. I walk Hunter to a small park, practically deserted. I light up a cigarette, I haven't had one in a long time.

"Smoking is bad for you." A voice says. Next to me is a guy, big a muscly. He had dirty blonde hair with black tips. His face was smooth except for the stubble around the Jaw line. He had a dark blue denim jacket and a white t-shirt. His pants match the jacket and around his neck was a collar, black with slight studs.

"So is talking to strangers." I say, then look down to pet Hunter, except he wasn't there. I look at him and he had a slight smile.

"I am no stranger." He says. I stand up, pissed as all hell.

"Where is Hunter?" I growl. He pauses and looks away.

"Your looking at him." He tells me. I step back. 

"Bull, you aren't Hunter. Hunter is a dog, you are.....a thing." I snap. I look around the park for Hunter.

"How can I prove it?" He asks as he gets up and walks to me.

"The first Day I got Hunter, why did I name him that?" I ask, staring into his dark green eyes. He smiles.

"That's your job. Your oldest Brother Dean bet that you would name me Hunter or Jovi, but your brother Sam, said it would be Jack Daniels or Buddy. Sam lost twenty bucks. Sam gave me to you cause as a kid that is the dog you wanted." I was stunned by his words.


"In the Flesh." He smiles and put his arms out. I gave  him a hug. I pulled away.


"I am your Familiar."

"Familiar what now?" He chuckles.

"Familiar, we are bonded together. A witch will get their familiar when the time is right. I will protect you no matter what." 

And I can do this. I hear Hunter's voice in my head. 

And I can do it back. I tell him with a smile. It was awesome, it was like a best friend that would never leave.

"So this isn't a love thing right?" I ask and he starts to laugh.

"No, not at all."

"Good." I chuckle, but then I panic how the hell am I gonna bring a guy back to the motel without Dean and Sam asking questions.

"Because I can turn back Kat." Hunter tells me. I was confused at first but then remembered her can read thoughts.

"Well can you do it now? We have to head back." I ask. He nods and before my eyes MY german shepherd is back. I pet his head and we walk back to the motel.

Me and my furry friend.

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