Chapter Fifty-Four: Detox

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We were in Montana. Bobby's friend Rufus had a cabin there. It was in the middle of nowhere, safe and hunter like. I remember Bobby taking me here once to save Rufus' ass. But we were here for one thing.


Dean wanted me clean off those pills. This wasn't an easy thing. The fact we had no Idea what they were, didn't help. Last time, I almost died and it was scaring Dean. Sam didn't remember it, but it was terrifying. I sat in the living room with Hunter at my feet. I stroked his fur, helping me calm down. Dean was in the makeshift kitchen, making some food. Dean actually did know how to cook, we just never had the time. Sam was at the table, find us a case to jump on too. It was quiet, the clock on the wall ticking louder and louder. I felt sweet dripping from the scalp. Everything slowed. It has been three days since our last hunt, three days of no pills. Three Days of fear.

"Kat." A voice yelled breaking me out of my daze. I turn to see Dean holding out a plate to me. I nod and grab the plate, only to see my arms shaking. I put the plate down in front of me and Dean sits across with a beer in his hand. It was a burger, with cheese and pickles. That is what I would order every time we went to the diner. 

"Kat, you need to eat." Dean says softly. I nod and pick up the burger. I raise it to my mouth and take a bite out of it. It tasted so good, I look at the burger again only to see the inside of the meat. Mealworms and maggots crawled out, with skin hanging out of the burger. I shriek and throw it across the room. The boys jump. They come closer to me, but I back away in fear. Dean fed me that.

"Dean why would you do that?" I cry. He grins and looks at Sam. Sam pulls out a knife.

"Oh Katarina, To punish you." Dean said with a sinister tone.

"You are a monster, you have to die." Sam says while twirling the blade in his hand. They move closer, both holding grins on their face.

"No, stop it!" I yell as I back away from them, tripping over furniture. "Hunter!" I yell, he jogs over to me and whines. "Stop them!" Hunter looks at me confused.

Kat, they aren't trying to hurt you.  Please calm down.

I hear Hunter tell me. I shake my head. I look at the table and there is Dean's gun. I pick it up and aim it at them. Both stop and back up.

"Don't touch me." I growl. My arms are still shaking, and I start to feel light headed. I step to gain my balance but the darkness takes over.


"Katarina....wake up." I hear a soft voice. I open my eyes to see a woman, her hair black as a raven and her skin paler than white. She puts her hand out and I take it. I sit up and see pulls me out of the house. We wander into the green forest, leaves crunching under our feet. Birds chirping echo throughout the woods, creating a song. A waterfall flows down the path, splashing against the rocks. I feel a smile come to my face. My feet are bare, so I feel the soil between my toes. I look down and see I am wearing a thin white dress. The woman comes and drapes a thin cloth over my shoulders.

"Where are we?" I ask her. She smiles and runs into the woods, leaving me alone. I start to walk once more, brushing my fingertips against the rough bark of the trees. I hear a twig snap and I turn my head. There, stands a couple, The man wore a dark green jacket and held the woman's hand. She wore a green dress, that flowed with the wind. The man's blue eyes meet with mine, his stubble meeting with his smile. His dark brown hair moved with the wind. The woman was crying, but smiling. Tears falling down her white skin, from her dark brown eyes. Her blonde hair covering her face as the wind blowed. Her other hand gripping a necklace, similar to mine.

"Katarina, how you have grown." The man said, his voice crack.

"Come home Katarina....come to Mama." The woman spoke, her voice un easy do to her tears. I look at her closely, her features similar to mine. My mother.....

"Mama?" A small voice said out of my mouth. I shrunk, my body tiny and my hands only being able to hold a finger. The woman picks me up and hold me tightly to her chest. 

"My Katarina, my miracle." She whispered as she swayed back and forth. I feel a hand on my back, I turn and we aren't in the forest, we are in a house. The man rubs my back, his smile as big as my Mother's. Then he shrieks in pain, a blade peircing through his chest, blood filling his once green shirt. He collapses and my mother shrieks and collapses, taking me with her. I fall into the pool of their blood, pouring out of their lifeless bodies. A figure takes the blood and draws the trinity symbol with it. It looks at me and grins. 

"Mox Purei exibimus ad vos." It said to me. It means Soon My child, we will come for you. I cried, my little body shaking till someone kicked down the door. The tall figure held a shotgun and when it's eyes landed on me, it lowered the weapon. He came closer and I saw his face. Dad, my father. He picked me up, my clothes dripping in blood. Next thing I know, I am in a motel room. There is Dean, he was about 7 or 8 and Sam was 3. Dean looked at me confused and looked at Dad.

"This is your new sister." Dad told them. Sam was not paying attention, just playing with his toy airplane. Dean nodded and Dad left. Dean cam closer and opened his mouth

"KAT!" It yelled. I was startled, and started to back up. "KAT COME BACK!" It was Dean's voice. I  link and my vison got hazy before looking around once more. I was on the edge of a cliff, it was dark and hard to see, but two lights flashed behind me. I turn and there is my big brothers, holding their hands out to me.

"Kat, come and grab my hand." Sam said. i move my shaking arm out to him, my arm was covered in dirt and scrapes. He grabs my hand and pulls me forward away from the cliff. He wraps his arms around me, keeping a safe embrace. He kissed my forehead and I felt Dean stroke my hair. I had no clue what happened, but my brothers were hear to keep me safe. And what ever did happen, it scared the crap out of them.

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