Chapter Forty-Seven: Weak Knees

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We park into parking lot in front of the church tent. Dean pulls out the keys and put them in his pockets. We all get out and met at the front of the car.

"If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book." Sam says.

"See if you can find it." Dean looks at his watch. "Hurry up too, the service starts in fifteen minutes. I'll try to stall Roy. Kat, stay out here and keep an eye out." I nod and we start to walk when a man stops us and hands us a pamphlet.

"Roy LeGrange is a fraud. He's no healer." I take the pamphlet and smile.

"Right on brother." He nods and walks away. The boys separate and leave me in the parking lot. I look around the place. However my mid goes else where. I wonder if it could be true, me a witch. Could explain the freaky crap thats been going on. But how Could I be a witch? Dad would never be with one and it can't be Dad or Sam and Dean would be affected, but Sam's weird mojo could be it.

"Kat!" I snap out of my thoughts and see frantic Sam. It looked like it had been running.

"Sam, what is it? Are you okay?" I ask.

"The protester, he is next." My eyes widen and I start searching the lot for him.  "Where is he!" I hear Sam yell. The protester was against the car, fear flowing through his body. The Reaper was coming towards them, his body moving with no emotion. Sam pulled the protester away and started to run, not knowing where it was.

I tried following them, people were flooding out of the tent mumbling about a fire. I finally find them. Sam's phone was ringing. He awnsered and relief came to his face.

"David, I think it's ok." He said. David looked around suspiciously. Then I saw the Reaper, his cold hand grabs David's face sucking the life out of him. "Dean it didn't work.The reaper's still coming!" Sam yelled into the phone. I go to grab the Reaper to pull him off. Instead I got weak, I felt energy get ripped from me. I fell, releasing my grip. "Im telling you, I'm telling you it didn't work. Roy must not be the one controlling this thing. It's got Kat!" Sam hung up and ran to my side.

"Save David." I tell him. The Reaper looks at me, with eyes of sympathy and let David go. HE stood and walked away. David took deep breaths and Sam grabbed him helping him up. 

"I got you. I got you." Sam told him. David gets up and looks totally fine.

"Thank God." He thanks us both then leaves. I was still on the ground. My body felt weak, like I wasn't fully me. Sam helped me stand, only for my legs to wobble. He helped me walk to the Impala. I leaned against the hood while Sam stood. We watch Dean talk to Layla, he looked sad and guilty. She must have been the one to be healed. I look over to see Roy talking to her mother.

"Private session tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word, I'll heal your daughter." He tells her. Dean walks over and gets in the car. Sam helps me into it and we drive off in silence.


"So Roy really believes." Sam says, he was sitting on the bed with me leaning against his shoulder. Dean was looking out the window and pacing.

"I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing." Dean states.

"Well, I found this."He hands Dean a small black book.

"A bible?" I ask a joke. Sam chuckles slightly but Dean stays focused.

"It was Hidden in their library. It's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." Sam states. Dean sits on the bed and takes the book.

"Must be a hell of a spell." I say, lifting my head off of Sam to see the book.

"Yeah. You gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood. To cross a line like that, a preachers wife. Black magic. Murder. Evil" Sam states, it gave me chills just thinking about it.

"Desperate. Her husband was dying, she didn't have anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy." I say, putting the pieces together.

"Cheating death, literally." Sam says.

"Yeah but Roy's alive, so why is she still using the spell?" Dean asks.

"Maybe it is to keep him from the Reaper." I suggest.

"No, to force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral." Sam says. 

"May God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." Dean says.

" We gotta break that binding spell." Sam says. Dean nods and looks at the book. 

"You know Sue Ann had a coptic cross like this. When she dropped it the reaper backed off." Dean says while point to the picture of the cross.

"So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the alter?" I ask.

"Maybe both. Whatever we do we better do it soon, or he's healing Layla tonight." Dean states. I clap my hands.

"Well Boys, lets get going." I go to stand up but gravity does not agree. Dean gets up and rushes to my side.

"Woah woah, woah. You are staying here." Dean says.

"Dee, no. I am coming. I am totally fine." I tell him, trying to get him off my back.

"Fine, stand up and walk to the door with no help." He says while crossing his arms. 

"I will." I snap. I slowly get up, slightly dizzy but I am up. I go to step and walk to the door. I start to walk-well stumble- and I reach the door. "There, now lets quit sittin' on our asses and lets go." Dean sighs and Sam chuckles.

"You won't ever let us take care of you." Sam says.

"You guys have taken care of me for years, its my turn to take care of myself." 

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