It wasen't long after I tucked him in before he woke up again.

"Bodil?" I questioned "You okay?" He nodded and opened his mouth but the only thing that came out was a fit of coughing which lasted forever.

When he finished I pulled the covers tighter around his shoulders in an attempt to fight this off. He looked down at himself then at me smiling. He tried to talk but I stopped him.

"Don't talk, you need to sleep." I placed a finger against his lips but he seemed content. So I kissed my best friend on the forehead and sat back against the wall as he fell back to sleep.

I watched him for a while, I still didn't understand how he became so ill so quickly. I got up realizing that I'd better go clean up the sick before it started stinking up the whole house. 

It was a difficult job but it was done quickly. Only the faintest smell was left over now.

as I walked out I could hear muffled talk from below.

" until now." I thought I could recognize Ty's voice. I wouldn't usually eavesdrop but I had just cleaned an entire bathroom and I wanted to hold off going into the germ filled room as long as possible. 

"So who do you like?" who I thought was Jason ask. Ty hesitated. "Come on I told you!" He begged.

Ty made Jason promise not to tell anyone and suddenly i felt bad for eavesdropping but I couldn't stop now because I needed to know this valuable information. 

"I promise" Jason answered.

With a few seconds of thought Ty answered so quietly that If I wasen't straining to hear I wouldn't have caught it. "It's Bodil." 

I stood up quickly in shock. Not because Ty liked bodil but because Ty was gay?! I stepped back to go back to Bodil's room. 

So I'm not alone I thought.

I turned but crashed directly into Mitch who must have come upstairs to get changed. 

"What's going on buddy?" He asked. I fumbled for an answer, trying to buy time so that he wouldn't walk into Ty and Jason like I had. I'm sure he will be embarrassed enough to know I had heard him proclaim his love let alone Mitch, who would tell Jerome of course. Those guys are best friends just like me and Bodil. And we all know Jerome has got the biggest mouth of us all.

"Nothing much, I -errm- planning on doing anything today?" I asked playing for time. 

"Nah," he answered and wandered back down the stairs. I hoped out conversation had warned them.

I stepped back into Bodils room. He was still sleeping soundly. I re-adjusted the covers around his arms, when I heard Jason run up the stairs I knew his room was on the other side of the house so he wouldn't pass us and see Bodil this way. Something told me he wouldn't want many people checking on him every 5 minutes.

I turned my back to the door but then I heard a small gasp.

I spun to see Ty standing in the doorway. "Is he okay?!" He asked way too loud. I heard Bodil shift behind me. I skipped out of the room, pulling Ty out with me. "He looks like he is dead" He said quieter this time.

"He is okay, I don't know what's wrong with him but he needs to rest," I saw Ty's face drop even more. "You can stay for a while if you want, though." I suggested.

I smiled grimly and walked back into the room. Bodil hadn't woken up yet. I stood in the doorway as Ty sat next to Bodil on the bed, rubbing his arms and running a hand through his hair. Quickly, he pulled back his hand and looked at me. "He is on fire" His eyes were full of concern.

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