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(This is probably going to be shorter than the others. Those I put more detail and thought into)

After Chase defeated Maximus and returned Paw Patrol to the tower.

Everyone woke up

Rocky: " You guys okay?"

Zuma: " I am."

Ryder: " I am too."

Rocky: " What about the rest you?"

The others: " Good. Good."

Rubble: " Man, Chase is a real superhero."

Everest: " A superhero that commands lightning."

Zuma: " Make super weapons."

Rocky: " Fight like a legendary warrior with sweet ninja skills."

Ryder: " Use some sort of energy blast to stop someone in their tracks."

Skye: " Yeah. That was a cool power."

Chinta: " Very cool."

Pups: " Hey Chinta."

Chinta: " Hey, pups...Hey, Ryder."

Skye: " Chinta, can I talk to you outside?"

Chinta: "Sure."

They went outside

Chinta: " What's up?"

Skye: " You probably don't know this, but remember when you were first introduced to us?"

Chinta: " Yeah?"

Skye: " Well, I over-reacted. I let my jealousy get the best of me. I yelled at my love and he didn't realize how bad I hurt him. And because of that, we're apart. Broken up. No longer boyfriend and girlfriend."

Chinta: (hugs Skye) " It's okay, Skye."

Skye: " Not really. I want him back so badly, and I thought he was cheating  on me with you."

Chinta: " No. He would never cheat on you with any other female pup. You're the only one he loves, not because of your beauty, softness, and whateves, but because he trusts you. Maybe not now, but he only trusts you to be his girl. Plus, I'm his cousin."

Skye: " I didn't know that at first but now I do."

Chinta: " You're going to be okay.(unhugs her) I promise."

Skye: " I'm glad you understand. I'm sorry for what I've done."

Chinta: " Say that to my cousin, Chase. He's probably still heartbroken just like you. That's why he saved you from M.Maximus."

Chinta was knocked out by a rock.

Skye: " (gasp) Chinta!"

???: " Hello, my future wife and leader."

Skye:" Maximus? Chase just defeated you!"

Maximus: " Maybe so. But that doesn't stop me from making you my wife."

Skye: " Please. Leave me alone. Please!"

Maximus: " Can't. Your mine now.(kisses her)

Skye tries to pull away but he's too strong.

Marshall: " Hey, Skye! Where are...(sees them and Chinta knocked out) shocked) Really, Skye!?"

Skye finally pulls away from Maximus

Skye: " Marshall. It's not what it seems."

Maximus: " Yes, it is. You agreed to mine again."

Skye: (slaps Maximus hard) " No I didn't so stop making up lies!!"

Marshall backed up slowly; trying to tell the others

Skye: " Marshall, please. It's not what it seems to be."

Marshall: " I don't believe you."

Skye: " I mean it."

The others appear

Rocky: " Marsh, what's going on? And why is Chinta knocked out?"

Marshall: " I don't know. But I do know that Skye betrayed Chase and is with Maximus now."

Everest: " Maximus? The pup who tried to kill us? Why?"

Skye: " I'm not with Maximus. And I never will."

Marshall: " Then why did I catch you two kissing?"

Skye: " He came out of nowhere and kissed me. I tried to pull away from him but he's too strong."

Ryder: " Yeah right."

Chase appeared

Chase: " Enough! Explain yourselves."

Marshall: " Chase, you're not gonna believe this, bro, but Skye made out with Maximus!"

Skye: " He came out of nowhere and kissed me, Chase. I promise that's what happened. Please believe me."

Chase made a spiritual spear, approached Skye and Maximus(they're terrified), but Chase throws it at them and it landed in front of them.

Chase: " I will spare your life because I do not care. If this is what has become of us, so be it."

Skye: " Chase. Please don't do this! I didn't cheat on you with anyone."

Chase: " Hmph. Leave us!"

Ryder: " Chase, what are you.."

Chase: (jags up Ryder) " I said leave us."

They ran back in the tower.

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