Chase's Rage

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The next day after Chase's meeting with Dave.

Dave(in Chase's head): " Hey Chase, let's meet again. This time in an old parking lot off the main street used to enter Adventure Bay, in the north-eastern region. What do you say, buddy?"

Chase called down lightning and went to the cafe and met Dave.

Chase: " Why here, Dave?"

Dave: " No good reason. See, this is why we make great friends, Chase. 'Cause we have each other back whenever may be needed."

Chase: " I don't know. Do we really make good friends?"

Dave: " There's a probability. I did what I said. Your real identity is still and will remain intact until you are finally ready to expose who you really are, am I right?"

Chase: " You have a point. A good one."

Dave: " Chase, I hope you don't mind but invited a few people to come and meet you up close and personal. No big deals. Just to get to know you."

Chase: " Who did you invite?"

Dave: " A few colleges of mine, not many, and, I kinda regret this, but, Steve."

Chase: " Haines?"

Dave: " Yep."

Chase: " Are you kidding me? He's gonna--"

Dave: " Things are not going to go quite that way."

Chase: " Really?"

Dave: " Yes, I am here for you. I may be FIB but I am not going to let you get hurt or feel threatened. Regardless if there's a problem, I'm gonna let you get influenced by it."

A knock at the door.

Dave: " It's open!"

Dave's colleges walked in.

Dave: " Thank you for coming everyone. I'd like you to meet my friend, the mysterious thunder pup. He's the one who made good changes in our city with using his lightning power."

Steve Haines barged in.

Steve: " That deserves to be seen, Davey boy. We can't just believe in some legendary creature."

Dave: " Steve, I told you he's no threat and you believed me and now you want to deny? I also told you I would handle this!"

Steve: " Oh! Because you've handled everything else so well so far, haven't you?"

Dave: " Alright, I admit things do seem a weird with this little one helping..."

Steve: " Weird?! You've ruined my career with your investigations leaving me worthless! Agents, arrest these men. Both of them."

Dave: " Ah, Steve, come on. Please."

Chase: " Whoa! Whoa! Are you kidding us right now? Arrest me for what?"

Steve: " For multiple counts of every crime under the sun."

Chase: " Oh, really? Let me rephrase. What is so bad about that? Your government people don't even do their job. That's why Dave did it--leaving you worthless...maybe it's because you are worthless in our government!"

Steve: " Why?(pulls out a gun and aims it at Chase) Because..."

At the same time, Chase held a lightning ball in his paws in a position ready to throw it.

Chase: " 'Cause you don't want me to justify in court! You're trying to tell the people I'm a threat, aren't you?"

Steve: " Agent right beside me, kill 'em!"

Dave pulled out a gun.

Dave: " Whoever you are, you will do no such thing."

Steve: " That's fine."

Chase: " What do mean that's fine?"

Steve: " Because I heard Paw Patrol wanted you to die."

Chase: " What?(getting angry)"

Steve: " That's right. Why do you think they didn't wake up in time before Anwar finished you? They didn't care for you. They hate you, everyone does! Ha."

Dave: " Steve, stop it! You're making him angry!"

Steve: " So what? He can't do anything about it! Why? Because he's weak, pathetic, mut with powers.(echoed in Chase's head)

A fire lite in Chase's eyes, he started to growl, and his face turned red.

Dave: (puts away his gun) " I told you, Steve. You're DEAD!"

Chase's growl got louder and he was really red. He kept growling and growling and then... he roared releasing a burst of flames. 

Steve: " Ahhh. Shoot!"

Dave: " I warned you, Steve. You didn't listen."

Chase growled even more and let out a release of flames, he then engulfed in red glowing flames all around his body. He then releases that energy, causing a huge burst of winds in every direction.

Chase - The Thunder PupWhere stories live. Discover now