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The Next Afternoon--At the FIB building

Agent. Molly: " WHAT?! What do you he's dead?"

Agent. Rob: " That's what I mean. The creature had to have killed him."

Agent. Molly: " Then what are you doing? Avenge Steve's death!"

Agent. Rob: " We can't. The creature will come for us, as well."

Agent. Dave walks in.

Agent. Molly: " Norton, you know stuff about the creature. What happened to Agent Haines?"

Dave: " Agent Steve Haines got what he deserves--his own fate."

Agent. Molly: " What?"

Dave: " My friend, the creature, called upon his masters and they took Haines and won't release him unless he changes his fate."

Agent. Molly: " You're friends with the creature?"

Dave: " That's right."

Agent. Molly: " How could you?"

Dave: " How could you attempt to hunt down the creature with Haines. Before he barged in, we both agreed to speak to the creature, get him to understand what's going on with the FIB, not whatever he did and make him severely angry which made him far more powerful than he already was."

Agent. Molly: " That doesn't mean he's not vulnerable to our wrath. He's gonna feel Haines' pain. Whether he or you like it or not."

Chase appeared in front of them both.

Agent. Molly: " You!"

Chase(not angry): " Yes, me! And you will see I'm not Adventure Bay's enemy."

Agent. Molly: " Demolition Crews!!"

All demolition crews ran in behind Chase.

Agent. Molly: "You have a choice, creature. Either leave Adventure Bay once and for all. Or I will have you executed."

Dave: " Yeah, sure. Like that's even possible."

Agent. Molly: " Make up your mind, creature! Or I'll choose for you."

Chase had a vision that Adventure Bay and the economy will fall if Chase leaves.

Chase: " How about NO!? I'm not leaving my home just because you think I'm a threat and you have no proof or evidence to support that."

Agent. Molly: " You heard him! Light him up!"

The demolition crew fired at Chase with all their assault rifles. Chase couldn't be killed.

Agent. Molly: " What! What happened!? Why are you not dead or dying?"

Chase: " You're just like Steve Haines-- blind or deaf! I'm a god! I can not die!"

Dave: " You've done it, Molly."

Chase shot bolts of lightning at one demolition member which spread and electrocuted all the rest of them, then they fell to the floor feeling like they just got barbecued.

Chase: " May the Elder Gods bind them with another company for being called a "DEMOLITION CREW" and no demolition, just stupidity."

Agent. Molly: " What have you done? You're a monster!"

Dave: " He is no monster, Molly. You are."

Molly: " What?"

Chase whispers something in his ear.

Dave: " Really? Okay."

Agent. Molly: " Doh! What now?"

Dave: " Before I tell you...get Paw Patrol here. NOW!"

Molly calls Paw Patrol.

Molly: " There. They're on the way here."

Paw Patrol walked in.

Ryder: " Agent Norton."

Dave: " Ryder."

Ryder: " What's going on? Is it bad?"

Dave: " I wouldn't say bad, Ryder. More like surprising. Why? This creature has something to show you all. Something only I knew."

Zuma: " What is it?"

Dave: " (sighs) Zuma, Rocky. Remember when this creature did not tell you who he was?"

Rocky and Zuma: " Yes."

Dave: " Well, you're about to find out who he is all this time. And it MIGHT shock you, not literally shock you. Even though, without the hat, the uniform, and the glowing blue eyes. You mean to tell me no one, out of the entire city, other than me, recognized this face? And voice? Does anything make him familiar to any of you?"

Chase made the hat disappear, but they didn't know how to identify him.

Chase: " You really are a nutcase Ryder."

Marshall: " How do you know his name?"

Chase: " I once led this group when I was still my normal self, bud."

Marshall: " C--Ch--Cha--Ch, Chase!?!"

Chase: " Yes, Paw Patrol. It is me. I was the creature the entire time."

Zuma: " No wonder. You're only I know who is brave enough to step up to a gangster like Anwar."

Chase: " You're right. Anwar, always the type of man who is cranky and mis-self-leading."

Rubble: " Dude, how are you alive?"

Chase: " My brother, Pavlo, resurrected me."

Ryder: " Resurrected? I thought that was a myth. But it's actually a real thing?"

Chase: " Impressive, isn't it? Eh, Ryder."

Skye: Chase, why didn't you tell us the first time?"

Chase: " I feared that my identity would put you at more dangerous risks. Turns out my fear got the best of me. I was wrong."

Ryder: " Chase, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Please come with us back to the tower. Be Paw Patrol again, stay a god if you want to. Just don't leave us. We need you. Everyone needs you."

Skye: " He's right, Chase. And you and I can be together again. Live our love life before Anwar ruined it by killing you."

Chase: " I would love too, Skye. But remember, I am a god. I can sense when there's trouble so if I'm not in the area, note that that's why. Okay."

Skye: " You got it, sweetheart!"

Chase: " That's one thing I love to hear, sweet pie."

Chase called down lightning to take him and Paw Patrol and their vehicles back to the tower.

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