What have I done? (Chase's Death)

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After Chase and Skye's date and confession and they returned to the tower.

Skye: " Chase, are you okay?"

Chase: " I'm okay."

Skye: " Have a good sleep, darling."

Chase: " You too, my love."

Skye kissed Chase then went in her pup house.

Skye: " Goodnight."

Chase: " Goodnight, Skye."

Hears a rattle in the brushes so he went to investigate that sound, then the mysterious figure jumped out of the bushes.

Chase: " Anwar Vincent Ablo. Pleasent surprise to see you after a long time."

Anwar Ablo: " Yeah...but you know how things are nowadays. They're stressful. Tough things to deal with. Things that barely mean anything towards society."

Chase: " You're not wrong on that."

Anwar Ablo: " I just wanted to have a little chat with you, that's all. No biggies. Big deals. Y'know?"

Chase: " Alright see you later."

Anwar exits.

Chase: " That was strange. I like Anwar. He's a cool dude."

Chase was shot in his left paw.

Chase: " Oww!!"

Anwar returns.

Chase: " Anwar. What are you doing?"

Anwar shoots Chase in his other paw.

Chase: " AHHH!!"

Anwar: " Hahaha. How kind of Paw Patrol, sleeping while you're getting your butt whipped."

Chase: " But what are you doing?"

Anwar: " Avenging my brothers' and father's death. They died because you destroyed their equipment needed to survive."

Chase: " No! No, I didn't!"

Anwar: " Don't lie to me, Chase! You know you did it. Admit it. And this stops. Or else."

Chase: " I don't want to know the "or else" but I did nothing to hurt your family. I'm Paw Patrol. We help people, not kill people."

Anwar: " Maybe they don't but you do?"

Chase: " No!"

Anwar: " Boys. Come on out."

Three other men came to him.

Chase: " Who are they?"

Anwar: " My boys. Hey, my man. Do me a favor and knock some sense into him!"

Solpom: " You got it, boss."

Anwar: " We're the Ablo Gang, Chase. Remember that."

Solpom beat Chase but he died... mid-fight.

Anwar: " It doesn't feel right, now doesn't, Chase? Hm? ANSWER ME!"

He realized Chase was dead.

Anwar: " What... What have I done? I killed my old friend over something that happened years ago before he was even born."(he started to cry) Guys, help me hide his body and dispose of the gun... and wash your hands, Solpom."

Solpom: " Okay, boss. Gess."

They hid Chase's body in the forest and disposed of the gun by throwing it down a well.

Anwar: (still crying)" I'm so sorry, Chase. If you can hear me, just know that."

Solpom: " Hey, boss, calm down. At least he's somewhere peaceful."

Anwar: " You're right, but that doesn't make things better. Come on, boys, let's go home before someone sees a grown man crying like a baby."

They left the forest to go home.

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