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Author's pov

"Krystal?!" Kai yell loudly and look at Krystal shockly.

"What are you doing here?" Kai says and push her away while Sehun still looking at them.

"Of course to meet you, Kai~" Krystal says and makes Kai wanna kill himself right now. Before that happens, he look at the girl coldly.

"What do you mean?" Kai asks. He can see Sehun is slowly walking away from them but stops after Kai send a glare.

"I miss you, Kai-ie~" she says. She ignores Sehun and still trying to get closer to Kai. She's totally sure Kai still loves her. In your dreams!

"Miss me huh?" Kai smirks teasingly. Krystal just say she miss him? Wtf?

"Go away" Kai tells her to go. Krystal is surely shock to hear that. Kai just ask her to go away?!

"What?" Krystal asks.

"Go. Away."

"No, what do you mean?" Krystal still doesn't go. Stubborn.

"I think you understand what I'm saying, Krystal-ssi"

"Living in London with your 'boyfriend' doesn't make you don't understand right?" Kai says sarcastic. He smirks after seeing Krystal shock reaction.

"That's the reason why you treat me like this, you are still mad?" Krystal says and cling around Kai's arm.

Sehun really wanna run away and cry out loudly but seeing Kai's stare make him stop and still standing clueless.

"What happened to him?" Kai asks and ignores Krystal's question.

"I don't love him, I only love you" she says knowing who is Kai talking about.

"You left me and now you find me back after he is still in hospital?" Kai says and grins teasingly.

Minho is in hospital after include in an accident. He's still doesn't wake up and in worse condition.

"For your information Krystal-ssi, I don't love you anymore and you can go now" Kai says and pull away his arm from Krystal.

"Hey baby, let's go" Kai says and pull Sehun away. Sehun just remain silent.
"Just wait and see!" Krystal finally go away after Kai just leave her alone.

"Do I need to explain?" Kai asks. He's worried because Sehun is still in his silent mode.

"No" he reply shortly.

Kai sigh and starts to explain before Sehun stops him.

"I said no, you don't need to explain"

"Don't keep silent, I hate it" Kai says and look at Sehun.

Finally Sehun pull a sweet smile and look at Kai making Kai feels relieved.

"I love you" Kai says and kiss his lover.


"How can he do this to me?!" Krystal is yelling loudly. She's frustrated. Kai doesn't love her anymore?

"This must be his fault! The boy!"

She take out his phone and calls someone.


She smiles after hearing the voice.

"Hello, nice to meet you" she says.

"Sorry, who is this?" the person asks confusedly.

Heartless Mafia ¦| [KAIHUN]✔[COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant