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Author's pov

Kai's Lamborghini enter the school compound making the students wondering whose car is that.

"Sehunna" Kai call Sehun but Sehun doesn't respond.

"Hunna?" Kai call him again but Sehun still pouts his lips.

"I told you to stop far from school, I can walk" Sehun answer still looking away.

Kai sigh hearing that, he get off the car and hear shouting voices from the students there.

"Sehunna" Sehun look away avoiding Kai before Kai's word make him get off the car.

"Go to school or I will kiss you here"

Sehun get off the car with a pouty lips making Kai wanna kiss that lips.

"Be a good boy" Kai pat Sehun's head and smile sweetly making people shouting hysterically.

Sehun walk to his class with people looking at him weirdly and people whispering about him.

When he arrived at his class, people still looking at him weirdly.

"Sehun-ah" a woman's voice suddenly call him. Sehun turn around and see Sora looking at him with a weird smile.

"Y-yes, Sora-ssi?"

"Do you have anything with Kim Jongin?" she asks and walk closer to Sehun making Sehun feel uncomfortable.

"Sora-ssi, can you please keep your distance from me" Sehun say try to get away from her.

"Hun-ah, do you have his phone number?"

"I'm sorry Sora-ssi, I don't have" Sehun still try to get away from the woman.


"Hey! Go find other person and don't disturb my servant" suddenly Taemin and his gang came.

"Tsk, just say you also want to know about Kim Jongin" Sora answer with an arrogant face.

"So, the news is true?" Taemin look at Sehun with a scary look making Sehun really scared.

"What are you doing with him? Selling your body?" Taemin ask Sehun with a smirk. His question really make Sehun mad and wanna cry. He can't do anything.

Suddenly Taemin grab his collar and want to punch him before school bell rings.

"You are so lucky this time, just wait" he says and walks away leaving Sehun who is trying to not cry.


School already end 30 minutes ago and Sehun still hiding from meeting someone he really don't want to see. After really sure, the person already gone he walk slowly to the school gate waiting for Kai to pick him up.

He really feel relieved before-


"Wow, look who's here! Our little slut!" someone pour water from upstairs. Sehun's body already wet and dirty. He quickly run away leaving the bullies laughing at him.

He really can't handle it anymore, he cry out loudly before a voice call him.

"Sehunnie?" Kai look shock seeing his sweetheart crying with a wet and dirty uniform.

"What happened to you?" Kai kneel down and pull Sehun's face slowly.

"Tell me who did this to you?!" Kai asks. Sehun can see Kai is really angry.

"It's okay, I'm okay" Sehun try to avoid Kai's sharp eyes but Kai pull his face to look at him.

"I'm sorry, Hunnie"

"No, it's not your fault" Sehun slowly wipes Kai's sharp jawline and look at him with a weak smile.


Kai's lips finally meets Sehun's lips making the sweet guy blushed.

"Let's go now" Kai slowly bring Sehun to his car and drives home"

After showering and all, Sehun already sleeping soundly in his bed.

"I'm sorry, baby" Kai look at Sehun with a soft look while stroking his hair before his face started to look angry again when he remember who did this to his Sehunnie.

He grab his phone and call someone.


"Find information about Taemin and his family! If he hurt Sehun again I will finished him!" Kai says.

"Yes, master"

"One more thing, ask Lay to manage the company, I will be with Sehun" Kai says again and end the call.



I'm sorry for the late update, hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment👌🌸

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