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Author's pov

A pretty and sexy woman is walking out from the airport. She stops and look around. She smirks.

"It's good to come back" she says to herself. Without waiting, she walks towards her ride.

"I'm back, Jongin~" she says.

"She's back?" Lay asks shockly. He stare at the man standing in front of him with a shock expression. He hopes the man will say that it is a joke but the man just nod.

"Oh shit!" he says and walks away. He walks quickly. He just need to meet Chanyeol right now. Chanyeol need to know!

"Yeol! We have a big problem!" Lay says but he really regret coming here to meet Chanyeol right now.

He look coldly at the two guys who are busy with their own world. Baekhyun is sitting on Chanyeol's lap and keep moaning while the other guy is enjoying his own time.

"PARK CHANYEOL! BYUN BAEKHYUN!" Lay yell loudly. He can't hold it anymore. He successfully make both of them stop.

"H-hey, Lay" Chanyeol smiles awkwardly while Lay still staring at him coldly.

"For god sake this is workplace!" Lay facepalm-ing.

"Baek, can you leave both of us alone here?" Chanyeol says and Baekhyun nods before going out.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asks and fix his appearance.

"You know what, if you still doing this I'm going to tell Master" Lay says teasingly. Chanyeol look at him panick.

"No! Dude, please don't" Chanyeol says.

"Master will totally kill me, please don't!" Chanyeol still begging. Lay is trying to hold his laughter but he can't. He laugh out loud making Chanyeol feels annoyed.

Lay control himself down and be serious. Chanyeol is still annoyed but he is trying to not kill the dimple guy in front of him.

"She is back!" that three words makes Chanyeol shock. He stares at Lay hoping it is just a stupid jokes but seeing Lay's serious makes him buried his hopes.

"This is not one of your stupid jokes right?" Chanyeol says and receive a hit from Lay.

"I'm not going to joke about this serious thing, idiot!"

"What does she want?" Chanyeol asks.
"Probably to meet Master but we don't have any prove yet" Lay answer.

"Should we tell Master about this?"


"But she will come here sooner or later" Chanyeol starts to worry.

"Master will solve it by himself" Lay says confidently.

"What if problems happened and-

"There will be problems but trust me it will be fine" Chanyeol finally nods, agree with Lay's saying.

"I'm going to grab a meal, wanna join?" Lay asks but Chanyeol shakes his head.

"I have few things to settle" Chanyeol says and smiles widely. Lay rolls his eyes understanding what is the 'things'.

"Get a room dude" Lay says before going out leaving the idiot guy laughing by himself.


"Sehunna" Kai calls his boyfriend's name.

"Yes?" Sehun answers without looking at Kai and that makes him annoyed. For your information, Kai really hate being ignored especially by his lover.

"Bunny, you are ignoring me" Kai says but Sehun doesn't respond. The guy still laughing while reading the text message from his hyung.

Kai snatch the phone and hid it from Sehun. Sehun look at Kai and try to protest.

"Hey! Give it to me~" Sehun whines, trying to get his phone back with aegyo but fail.

"No" Kai says.

"Nini~ Give it~" Sehun says and shoot a powerful aegyo but Kai pretends to not see it.

"No" still the same answer.

"Why?" Sehun is upset right now.

"You are ignoring me because of this freaking phone" Kai says.

"It's just a phone!" Sehun says annoyed. How can Kai be jealous because of a hand phone?

"Alright, now what?" Sehun finally says. He sigh heavily.

"Kiss me and I will give this back" Kau says with a smirk on his face.


Sehun peck a kiss on his cheek.

"Not there, here" Kai says and show his lips. Sehun's face is burning right now. Slowly he approach closer and kiss the kissable lips.

Kai smiles widely and hand the phone to the owner. Sehun buries his face. He is really shy!

"Don't ignore me" Kai says and Sehun just nods his head.

"Master, there's someone wanna meet you" Yeri suddenly approach Kai.

"Who is it?" Kai asks and Yeri just shakes her head.

Sehun and Kai look at each other confusedly before hearing a girl's voice.

"Kai~ I miss you" the girl says and walks towards the clueless Kai. She hugs Kai and Sehun look at them shockly.


Hi! Finally an update💕 sorry for the short chapter, next chapter will be longer💝

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