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Author's pov

"What happened to Kai?" Sehun asks himself, he still confused about what happened to Kai just now.

"Maybe I should ask him later" Sehun ignores those questions about Kai. He suddenly receive a text from his hyung.

Myeonnie Hyung;
"Hunna~ Hyung miss you^ω^

Sehun smiles widely after receiving the text from Suho. He really miss his hyungie. Without wasting time, he reply the text.

"I miss you moreeee, hyungie<_>

After few seconds, he gets a reply.

Myeonnie Hyung;
Wanna meet up?

Sehun think for a while and quickly types a reply

"Suree thing, hyung~ meet me at the usual cafe

After sending the reply, he suddenly remembered something. "I need to tell Kai first!" he dial Kai's number and no answer. He try again and still no answer.

"Why isn't he picking up my call?" Sehun pouts his mouth. Suddenly he has an idea. "I'm going to Kai's office!" he smiles and get ready.

At Kai's office

"Woww!" Sehun look at the tall building in front of him. He's speechless. He slowly enter the building and walks towards the reception.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the receptionist asks Sehun with a sweet smile. Sehun look at him with a smile.

"I want to meet er Kim Jongin?" he asks. Mina, the receptionist look at Sehun with a confused look.

"Mr Kim?" she asks and Sehun nods quickly.

"Have you set an appointment?"

"N-no, I don't but just say Oh Sehun want to meet him" Sehun look at him with a hoping look making Mina agrees. Sehun then thank the girl and walk to Kai's office.

"Yes, how can I help you?" the woman named, Wendy asks Sehun arrogantly. Tbh, Sehun doesn't like her.

"I want to meet, Kim Jongin" Sehun asks making the woman look at him with a weird look. Sehun seriously wanna choke her right now.

"Who are you?" she asks arrogantly.

"I'm his... friend" Sehun answers. He really feels uncomfortable with the way Wendy look at him.

"Mr Kim doesn't want anyone to disturb him now" Wendy says and continue doing her works leaving the upset Sehun.

"Can I ask? Who are you?" Sehun really curious to know about the arrogant woman in front of him now. His question makes Wendy look at him with a proud smile.

"I'm Wendy, his secretary and girlfriend" she says proudly. Sehun feels shock after hearing that. He really wanna cry but he holds his tears.

"P-please, I need to meet him" he finally says.

"I've said no! Guard, bring him out!" Wendy calls the guard to bring him out. The guard obey the order and want to pull Sehun before a scary voice startled them.

"What is happening here?!" Kai says with a high tone voice making the workers really wanna run away from seeing him mad. Seriously, seeing Kim Jongin getting angry is the last thing they want to see.

"This person want to meet you, Sajangnim but I ask him to go out" Wendy says with a sweet voice making Sehun really wanna puke. Kai look at the person and get shock. He can see the guards already hold him to get him out.

"Get your filthy hands off him!" Kai orders the guards with a cold face. The guards quickly obey the order and let Sehun go.

"Go away before you are fired!" the guards quickly go away before Kai gets angry. Kai quickly walks towards Sehun who is already crying now.

"Sehunnie, are you okay?" Kai asks with a sweet voice, the workers shook af after seeing that. Kim Jongin speaking nicely is the thing they never thought will happen.

Sehun doesn't answer, he just look away with the teary eyes. Kai sigh heavily looking at his baby bunny already sulking. He pulls him into a hug and comfort him.

"Don't hug me, hug your girlfriend!" Sehun says with a pouty mouth. Kai look at him confusedly.

"I don't have any girlfriend, baby" Kai says making Sehun more upset. He points at the woman who's already speechless seeing them. Kai look at the person Sehun point and stare at him angrily.

"She said you are his boyfriend" Kai look at Wendy with a scary look.

"Listen, no she's not! I only love you" Kai says making Sehun's face blushed. Kai brings Sehun into his room. Before he enters the room, he look at Wendy and says something leaving the woman speechless.

"Watch out! This is the last warning"

"What are you doing here?" Kai asks while stroking Sehun's soft hair.

"Nini doesn't like Hunnie coming here?" Sehun pouts his lips. Kai steals a kiss from him making the younger blushed.

"No baby, of course I like it" Kai hugs him tightly and keep kissing him making Sehun can't hide his smile.

"Oh no!" Sehun suddenly shouts after remembered something. He push Kai making the older guy falls from the couch. He take out his phone.

10 missed calls and 5 messages from Myeonnie Hyung

Sehun look at his phone shockly and reads the messages.

Myeonnie Hyung;
Hunna, where are you? We're already arrived!

Myeonnie Hyung;
Sehunnie, is everything okay?

Myeonnie Hyung;
Oh Sehun! Are you okay? Why aren't you answering my calls?

Myeonnie Hyung;
I'm going home if you don't arrive in 10 mins!

Myeonnie Hyung;
Fine! Hyung is going back!

Sehun look at the messages with a shock expression. He really feels guilty. Kai look at him with an upset look. Why not? The sweet guy just push him off the couch and makes his butt hurts so much.

"What happened to you?" Kai asks him with a pouty lips. READ BACK! POUTY LIPS?! KIM JONGIN THE BOSS OF MAFIA GANG IS POUTING HIS LIPS?!

Sehun look at Kai with a gaping mouth. Kai look at him weirdly. "What?" he asks.

"You are pouting?" Sehun asks still in shook. Kai quickly clear his troath and put his cold expression again. Sehun already wake up from his shockness.

"What happened?" Kai asks again. Sehun look at him with a teary eyes. He really feels guilty. Kai pulls him onto his laps and asks him to tell. Sehun tells Kai everything and Kai just couldn't handle himself to not kiss the cute guy on his laps right now.

"Let's go home now, I will buy your bubble tea" Sehun's eyes already shining after hearing the bubble tea word. He nods his head and pull Kai's hand excitedly. Kai smiles handsomely seeing his bunny reaction and ignores his workers already dying after see his smile.

Thank you for the votes and comments! Keep supporting my story💘

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