Artmeis News

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Flame on haters, sit an maranade in ur own hate like a glutful sneer, ublivious to teh shadows of lifes! 

Annabeth: What in Hades did I just read?

Anyways ur just jelous of Flavia cause she is smarter than you!

Me: *offended* Smarter than me? Excuse you, but at least I can spell "jealous."

43.....Artmeis News

Kornos was dead now cause I stabed him in teh hearts. 

Hazel: I'm sure he doesn't have one.

He yelled "Flavvvvvvia I love you" an then he ran out of lifes an disappated like bakin soda in the rain. 

Percy and Grover: What in Hades?

I shedded one singalar tear cause he used to be my bf an also my dad (exept not insense cause it was acutely Lukes body)

Me: *vomits*

"Omg you killed Kornos!" Yelled Percy.


"What are you mad or somethin, he was evil an we were supposed to kill him remember" I explaned porfusely.

Flavia: Porfusely...

Me: The hell is that?!

"No Im glad hes dead, he sucked anyways" Said Percy.

Percy: I kinda liked him. He wanted to kill you after all.

"Lets made out?!" I said "Ok" Said Percy so then we made out.

Frank: Please, no.

 Write there in front off Kornos's corpus so it was fun and edegy.

Everyone: *groans*

"Well now what" I said.

Me: Die.

"We will have a party to celebate" Explaned Percy. 

Frank: That's just stupid.

So tehre was a big party an we played evenesense songs an also some mcr. 

Flavia: Of course they did.

Me an Percy an Hazel an Leo an Jason moshed in a moshed pit that we dug with steel an our own bear hands. 

Annabeth: I'm so confused.

Leo: You mean, you're so porfused!

Piper: Leo, shut up.

Exept Frank fell down an we stepped on him trampled him a little.(It was a acident tho cause Im not a Socapath.)

Frank: Why me?

Jason: That was an accident?!

Me: Yeah, you're not a sociopath. You'd be an insult to me and every single sociopath that exists.

Tehn Mr D came, he rapped Frank an then hit him with a box, then he went over by us an served some booz. 

Hazel: I don't even want to know what that was...

(thats like alcahall) 

Me: I'm pretty sure booze is not "alcahall."

He put it in some glass cups an Percy an me drank the booz. 

Percy: We're not old enough to drink.

It was good cause it was the booz of teh gods. 

Leo: *laughs* Booze of the gods! Hey, who wants booze of the gods?!

Also it was black an thickly, an the vishions of life swifted thru my dreams. I saw a thousend bilius stars cherning to teh compostition of the waves.

Piper: *rolls eyes*

All suddenly Artmeis apparted like a shimbering wolf "Flavia I have some news that is good for your ears, its this....Zeus said its ok for you to have a bf but the dangerous news is, you can have only 1 if you will be a goddess in Olympics, cause even tho teh gods have like 60 bfs they belief for deimgods to have 'monotony' that means only one bf!"

Piper: Artemis approves of this?

Me: *cough* Artmeis. *cough*

My heart lifted like a dove bird in flite but then it sanck in confusment, who would be my partener in goddessfulness?

Flavia: Hopefully someone as annoying as you.

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