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"Give it to me straight, Doc," Alex sighed, running her hand through her hair.
"The cancer's spread."
Alex stared at him, breathing deeply. After a few breaths, she asked, "To where?"
"The frontal lobe, and also specifically hitting your hypothalamus."
"How does that affect me?"
"The frontal lobe controls a lot of things, but not all of them will necessarily be altered, it just depends on how your brain responds to the cancer. Basically, the frontal lobe controls planning, organization, problem solving, attention, and personality."
Alex breathed deep again. "And the hypothalamus?"
"That deals with hunger and thirst, hormone release, and body temperature."
"So I might stop being hungry?"
"The hypothalamus is the concerning part. We'll take precautions, by putting you on a strict meal regimen, and you'll have to drink a certain amount every day."
"What about the personality thing?"
He shrugged. "There's not much we can do."
"So I might not even be me anymore?" Alex asked, incredulous.
Dr. McAndrew simply looked at her with sad eyes. He turned and left the room in silence, leaving Alex in shock. Turning around, she flopped onto her bed, on her back. Staring up at the ceiling, her eyes welled up, and tears began to make their way down her face.

"So? Did you convince him?"
Kara whirled around, and saw Hunter's sister walking towards her. "No," she said causally. "To be completely honest, I barely even tried."
She turned to go. "Nice to know cheerleaders live up to the stereotype."
"Yeah, well I don't expect you to understand," Kara said.
"No, you don't understand. It doesn't matter what Hunter wants, I'm doing this operation with or without his permission."
"Well that will only drive him further away," Kara pressed. "Look, when you're a sick person, you wanna be sick on your own terms. So, you try to find things that you can control. This decision is one last thing Hunter can control. It's not much, but it's all he's got. And," Kara added, "I wouldn't take it away from him cause he may never forgive you if you do." Hunter's sister nodded vaguely, with tears welling up min her eyes. "I'm sorry," was the last thing Kara said before walking away.

"Hey, Alex, Charlie's awake and there's pizza," Jordi called from the doorway to Alex's room. "You're missing the party." When she didn't move, he got concerned. "Wait, what's wrong?"
He saw the tears, and rushed over to her. "Alex, what is it?"

She gasped for air, between sobs. "It spread. The cancer's spread."

Reaching down, Jordi held her bridal style. Sitting down on the bed, he rested her in his lap, his arms around her. As her tears soaked his shirt, Jordi's heart beat, faster because of the shock. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. He held her tightly, waiting for the tears to pass.
When they finally did, Alex leaned away from his shoulder looking him in the eyes. He reached up and brushed away stray tears, and leaned in, kissing her. She kissed him back, shakily at first, but eventually deeper, as she succumbed herself to the passion and the fire.
When she broke away from the kiss, she sighed. "It's okay, it's going to be okay."

He held her face in his hands and said, "Its not okay, but it is what it is, and that's okay."

Alex Carter: A Red Band Society FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now