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"It all started a little while ago," Dash said. "From the first day Leo had met Emma, he was hooked. I mean, he couldn't stop talking about her. He'd go on, and on. Then, he finally got the courage to ask her out. She said yes, of course, cuz she liked him, too. Everything was great. They got along so well, and they both were happier. Until Leo found out about his big surgery. Then everything went wrong. He got scared, so he did stupid tings, which resulted with Emma and Leo breaking up."

"That's sad," Alex mused. "And stupid."

"That's not it, though. They then went on to being enemies. They always were arguing, and doing anything and everything to make the other person's life miserable."

"As if either of them needed that, they're in a hospital for goodness sakes."

Dash stared at her waiting to finish.

"Sorry. Continue,"

"So up until very recently, Leo decided to get Emma back."

"Wait. I know I'm interrupting and everything, but just like that?" she asked. Dash nodded.

"But, doesn't that seem a little sudden? Out of the Blue?"

"Not for Leo."

Alex stopped, not sure how to answer that. Maybe, she didn't need to.

"So, earlier today, Leo and Emma were arguing about why they broke up. Leo didn't understand a word she was saying, telling me that she got it all wrong. Maybe she did, I don't know."

"But Emma didn't seem upset when I came into her room to talk to her about it,"

"That's cuz she's not upset. She's over it. They had this talk about how they can't constantly be at each other's throats all the time, so they agreed to be friends."

"But Leo wants something more."


"And Emma doesn't."


"But why didn't Leo say something when he and Emma were talking?"

"Because he's Leo! It's the kind of person he is! "

"He gets caught up in the moment and doesn't think." Alex said, bluntly.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Wow." Alex exhaled, and sat on a beanbag chair in Dash's room.

"If you were me, I would wait for it to all blow over. "

Alex stood up. "Well, I'm not you." And with that, she walked out of Dash's room, determined.


"Hey, Leo," Alex said from the doorway of her room. Jordi and Leo were on their respective beds, not talking.

"Uh, yeah," He said, glumly and distractedly. Jordi looked up as Leo joined Alex at the door, dejected. Alex shot him an apologetic look and walked off with Leo in tow. She'd talk to Jordi later. Right now, though, something much bigger was going on.

"So," Alex said, after she'd gotten them a plate of onion rings to share form the café.

He still didn't really know what was going on, but that was kind of the point.

"Why did you let Emma slip through your fingers?"

He flinched away, surprised by her knowledge of the situation and her forwardness. "W-what are you talking about."

She sat down, and popped an onion ring in her mouth. "Look, Leo. I get how you feel about Emma. What I don't get is why you just let her go, right after you had gotten close to her again."

"I didn't let her go!" He finally said. "She thought we broke up for some ridiculous reason that doesn't even exist, and I wanted to talk to her about getting back together, cuz I like her. I really do. but she made it quite clear that she just wants to be friends."

He rolled away, in a fit of emotion, but then he looked up, and saw Emma staring at them, and after taking in the situation, her rushing away.

Alex Carter: A Red Band Society FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now