Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1

Start from the beginning

"It was all Sokka's idea. He felt bad that you couldn't see your family while we were traveling so, we sent a letter to General Thorn and he gathered them together." Katara said placing her hand on Sokka's shoulder. "The lad clearly didn't know what he had gotten himself into, but Thorn and I settled our differences."Ping said slyly causing Thorn to shiver.

Lillian raised her brow at her father who mouthed, 'don't ask'

"Right! Let's get ready warriors!" Hakoda shouted as he led the invasion team to a area where Sokka would be presenting the plans for the invasion. As Sokka walked past Lillian he smiled at her, "Surprised?" Sokka grinned, "Thank you Sokka!" Lillian cheered as she threw her arms around Sokka's neck and placed a small kiss on his cheek causing the young warrior to blush, "It means a lot to me." Lillian whispered pulling away but keeping her arms around his neck, "I'm glad Lilly, you deserve it. You've been there for us so much, the least we could do was this." Sokka smiled. Lillian blushed and pulled her arms back, "Thanks. Come on! Let's kick some ass!" Lillian yelled pulling Sokka along.

"WATCH Your LANGUAGE LILLIAN!" Thorn, Ping and Khan's voices boomed from the camp.

Lillian grinned at Sokka as he ran beside Lillian, "feels just like at home" Lillian giggled.

"Your brother's will meet at us in the fire nation." Sokka added as he walked beside her.


Everyone had taken their seats and once for the first time, Lillian sat beside her father at a war meeting you could say. Lillian watched as Sokka stumbled up the plat form, He looked over to her and she gave him an encouraging thumbs up.

"Good morning, everyone!" Sokka says before falling and dropping all his scrolls. Lillian face palmed, "idiot..."

"Uhm... So, as you know today we're invading the Fire Nation. I mean I know you know that," Sokka laughed nervously, "Because otherwise why else would you be here Anyway.. The Fire Lord's palace is here." He points to a section on the wrong map, "Uh no, uh wait, 'flips to another map' uh wait 'flips again', uh wait 'flips for the final time'. It's here 'points to the correct map.' and uh there's an eclipse today and Aang's going to fight the Fire Lord" Sokka began to panic, Lillian sighed for the water tribe boy. "and the firebenders won't have any fire to use so that's good for us and uhm... " Sokka looked over at Lillian who shook her head. "I'm sorry, let me start at the beginning." Sokka said before taking a deep breath.

"Katara and I discovered Aang frozen in an iceberg. Now I didn't like Aang at first but I grew to love him over time. Then we went over to the Southern Air Temple where Aang used to live and then we met Suki, who is a Kyoshi warrior. She made me dress like a woman and then she kissed me. Lillian was there but she was evil and now she is good and she also kissed me and then we..." Sokka continued his rambling as Lillian placed her hands in her head...

"Shall I be worried about this Water tribe boy?" Ping side whispered to Lillian. Thorn leaned over and raised his brow with his arms crossed, "I get a long with his father so I approve." Thorn said with a sly smile. Lillian's face turned pale and she turned to Khan for help who just handed her fire flakes, "You guys are impossible." Lillian growled.

Eventually Hakoda took charge and gave the proper introductions, "Right! Lets move out!" Lillian was in a daze but he eyes fell on a very down Sokka, "Tenshi's, take to the skys once we are outside the gates of Azulon," Lillian raised her hand, "You mean, tenshi... My grandpa is staying on the boat and I-"

"You will have us." Shane's voice spoke from behind,

"Sorry we're late, we ran into some immigrating lion-geese ." Shin said dusting off some fur.

"There were so many..." Crest said trembling slightly.

Lillian stood wide eyed before gaining an evil grin...

Shin, Shane and Crest met Lillian's evil eyes, "uh on second thought... those Lion-geese seem to be more fun than this." Shane said backing away from his sister,

"this is going to be fun...." Lillian said stalking towards the three tenshi...



The invasion force made their way to the boats and the Tenshi's to the skies. After Lillian's crushing torture session, they were ready!

They set out and flew over the great gates of Azulon and hovered with Appa waiting for the rest of the force,

"Feels weird returning here, doesn't it?" Shin asked keeping a look out. The other's nodded in agreement as the stayed silent.

"There they are..." Shane said as the submarines surfaced just meters below them, "Let's go say the rest of our goodbyes." Crest added.

Lillian flew down to Aang, Katara, Toph and Sokka.

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know the Avatar's alive?" Sokka said grabbing Aang's arm. Lillian stood beside Sokka and grinned, "And that his Tenshi wont let anyone touch him ever again!" Lillian grinned. Aang nodded.

"Let's do this!" The Gaang cried as the hugged and then took off onto their missions.

Lillian watched as Aang flew towards the capital and she joined her brother's and Crest once again, "Ready?"

The boys nodded and bowed, "We are ready... Princess..."

Lillian smiled, "Let's go!"


Hello Zuko love rivals!

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

I will try to update again soon!

Vote and comment! thanks!!

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