"I think we got it all, don't you lads?" Said the one I knew as Liam. The others agreed. 

"Good. See you all inside soon." I said, flashing them a smile and leaving the portacabin. 

         As we waited for the boys to finish hair, make-up and wardrobe we rushed around checking everything was in order. We had a table set up with snacks and drinks, we had the radio on, all the photography equipment set up and all the props on set ready for use. As I walked around for the fifth time checking everything was good, I nodded. Everything was as good as it could be. With nothing to do, I decided to take a stroll outside. 

   It was a large premisise so, thought there was little on it. Still, the fresh air would do me good. As I stepped out of the warehouse I spotted one of the boys sitting on the portacabin stairs, one I think was called Zayn. As I got closer I saw why he was outside. He was smoking. It was none of my business, but it shocked me. Surely boybands were meant to be all clean-cut and that thing? He saw me coming and put out the cigarette. 

"Sorry." He said when I was in hearing range. 

"It's fine, you can smoke if you want." I said. He shrugged. I sat down on the opposite end of the stair he sat on.

"I try not to smoke in peoples presence. Most people have a problem with it." He said, shrugging. 

"Your life, you do what you want with it. I don't mind anyway, I'm used to it." I said. He looked at me for more information. "My ex-boyfriend used to smoke." I explained. 

"That why you dumped him?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"He slept with my best friend." I replied. He inhaled sharply. 

"Ouch. What a dick." He said. I laughed. 

"Thanks. I don't care though, he wasn't that great." I said. Zayn raised an eyebrow. 

"At what?" He said, smirking. I smacked his arm lightly. 

"Shut up! I thought you boybands were meant to be all clean-cut and wholesome?" I giggled. These guys weren't so bad. Well, Zayn wasn't anyway. I didn't know about the rest of them. 

"We're boys, what do you expect? We're not exactly saints, I can tell you that. No one really cares though, they're used to it." He replied with a shrug. 

"Oh yeah? What kind of things do you do?" I asked, interested in how bad these boys really would. 

"Drink, I smoke though none of the others do, sleep around, except for Liam and Louis, they have girlfriends. I've had to stop now though, I have a girlfriend. I have a load of tattoos too. Not typical boyband things." He said. I raised an eyebrow. Worse than I expected. 

"Better to be exciting than boring." I replied simply. "Though I must say I'm impressed you haven't been killed. You're managed by Simon Cowell right?" Zayn nodded. 

"He tells us to lay off the partying and stuff, but whatever. Live life while you have it and everything." Zayn said casually. I laughed. 

       Just then the portacabin door opened and a blonde head popped out. 

"Lauren said you have to come in now." The blonde one called Niall said. Zayn sighed. 

"Nice talking to you Cassidy. See you later." Zayn said to me, giving me a smile before climbing the few stairs leading into the portacabin. 

"What was that?" I head Niall whisper to Zayn as he closed the door. I grinned to myself. Zayn was cool, maybe we could be friends. Although he was insanely good looking I wasn't really into him, sure I'd probably sleep with him, not being a slut or anything, but I wouldn't date him. He had a girlfriend anyway. He was a cool guy though, I wouldn't mind being his friend. 

Picture Perfect (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن