
How You Meet:

You were getting something out of coach's office for him because he knew if he sent Stilinski or McCall to get it they'd take forever to get back. You arrived back to the field just in time to hear coach introduce the two new students. They were twins, but it was obvious that one of them was gay by the way he was staring down Danny. You only caught their first names, but your gaze was taken off of Aiden when coach asked if you found it, you shook your head and handed him the small medal whistle. You began your running on the trail. "So, why is a pretty girl like you on the track team?" You heard a voice say from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder to see the other twin and decided to ignore his remark. "Is running messing with your hearing or something?" You rolled your eyes and just started jogging faster, but he did the same. It was obvious he wasn't giving up, "What's your name?" "How about if you can run this faster than me I'll tell you my name?" "Okay, deal!" He said with his breathing already becoming shaky. You sped up, but it was obvious for some reason he was staying behind you the entire time. When you got to the end of the trail you turned to him, "Why did you loose on purpose?" "Because no matter how nice your name is it's not as nice as the view I had running behind you." You scoffed and turned to walk off, but you were stopped in your tracks when he asked if you'd like to go out sometime.


Dating Them Would Include:
Dating Aiden Would Include:

• Being the only one of the people he's dated that Ethan likes.

• Always making him jealous.

• Neck kisses constantly.

• Making him a better person.

• Being best friends with Ethan.

• Rough sex.

• Talking him into leaving Deucalion's pack.

• Fighting over who's cuter.

• Hugs from behind.

• Riding with him on his motorcycle.


Your/His Phone Screen's:

His: It's a picture of you wearing one of his long shirts, only that.

Yours: It's a picture you took while he was sleeping, so you could joke about how he's easier to talk to when he's asleep.


Good Morning Texts:

Hey babe, good morning. I hope you slept like the princess you are. I'll be over in a little bit. If you're still asleep when I get there I'll let myself in, love you.


His/Your Favorite Thing About You/Him:

His: Your ability to see the good in him

Yours: His determination to keep you safe


The Kind of Couple You Are At Parties:

At parties no matter how much you don't want to be there he'll be doing everything possible to make sure you're having fun. Aiden is the life of the party, and he loves seeing you go off on the girls that come up to him. He loves seeing you jealous, but he also knows that if it goes to far you'll punch them, you don't care if it's a party or not.


Who He Is Jealous Of:

He isn't as low key about his jealousy than he thinks he is. He gets really jealous of Derek because he feels like Derek has more to offer you. He also knows that Derek is better than him on the strength scale also, even though he'd never admit that Derek is stronger.


Couples Halloween Costumes:

You guys didn't do anything big for Halloween, you just sat around eating candy.


He Finds Out You Like Him:

When Aiden found out you had a crush on him he knew his countless flirting finally payed off, but he got a feeling that he'd never experienced before. He got extremely nervous, and that's something new for him, so Ethan teased him about it for months.


I'm not sure why it took me so long to finally finish this chapter, but it's done. I wasn't sure what to do for Aiden because he gives off his flirting asshole vibe all the time, but we all know that he's a true sweetheart. Hope you guys enjoyed and I still have other characters I'm adding.

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