We're Screwed!

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The book Xen found at the small shop in Angel Square turned out to be very useful. She has stayed up absorbing all the information it gave her. How to talk to people, how to maintain eye contact without seeming creepy, how to actually approach a person and not just go halfway and turn away. It was always easier when people approach her rather to have her approach them. She always comes off a little cold and arrogant even when she is not, well not all the time. She just had a resting bitch face. However, Jonathan would never start a conversation with her unless it was about his stupid rules. So all the responsibility was on her.

Chapter one of the book suggests that after you approach a person, you should ask them questions and get to know them. Personalize them with yourself. Get close and get to know them on a deeper level. This might be the hardest part, Jonathan is a very closed off person, so closed off that he is probably secretive with himself. Although, it was currently 9 am and no one came to wake Xen up, the book is working already!

Xen was getting a little suspicious, she is supposed to be awake at 5 am it was currently 9 am. It is quite impossible that Jonathan let her snag 4 hours of extra sleep, the guy was not that generous.

She walked out of her room and into the hallway. The wooden floors felt cool under her feet, it was quite soothing in the summer time. From the side of her eyes she caught a teasing view of Jonathan's room. The door was open, his door is almost never open. Something smells very odd, and it was not because Xen forgot to take the trash out last night.

She sneaked a peek through his doorway. His room was opposite of what she thought it would be. Parchment color papers were sprawled across a small desk to the side. His weapons were meticulously placed around the room. The off-white walls blended perfectly with his bed sheets. And underneath the blanket, someone was laying still.

"Well...well...well someone broke their own rule about being ready by 5 am" Xen smirked and kicked one of the legs of the bed harshly, hoping it would jolt him awake. There was no response whatsoever.

"Jonathan?" She said it again this time lifting up the blanket covering him. She was humored by what she saw, bunch of pillows modeling a human body. "Wow Jonathan, you're much softer than I made you out to be"

She automatically tightened her grip around her Steele as she heard faint clicks in the distance. She eyed few daggers in the corner of the room. She grabbed one of them without thinking and held it firmly in her hand.

It all happened so suddenly it was hard to process what was going on. She saw flashes of white and green. She could feel herself punch something, mainly because it hurt her too. After what felt 5 delusional seconds she was pinned up against Jonathan's walls, by Jonathan himself.

"What the hell?" She gasped. He was holding her dagger to her throat. She really didn't care, she knew he wasn't going to do anything major. Also she was distracted the green bandana wrapped around his head and few pieces of his pale hair falling over it.

"It's a shame, I expected you to last longer than this" He relaxed the dagger that was pointed at Xen's throat. "Though I have to admit your reflexes kicked in pretty fast. But you chose the wrong weapon. You should've chosen a sword or a Seraph blade knowing that there might be an intruder in the house. Choosing a dagger involves direct contact and you never want to be that intimate. Indeed, you could've thrown the dagger, but you made the mistake of only brining one, and throwing it will get rid of your only weapon. Also you cannot aim, I evaluated that by your punches, you couldn't even give me a bloody nose"

Raziel's Exploit (A Jonathan Morgenstern fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now