How To Kill A Maid

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It was the same afternoon and Xen had begun unpacking. She had brought all her clothes but she didn't have that much space for herself, let alone her clothes. And when something gets difficult she just leaves, so she left the clothes sprawled all over her bed. She wondered if there had been an ancient cleaning rune. Speaking of runes, where was her Steele? She searched through the mess on her bed and in her pockets. It was nowhere to be found, it was getting quite annoying to search for it. So, when things get difficult she prefers to eat. She went to the kitchen hoping the Steele would magically show up after she was done eating.

WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WERE THE MORGENSTERNS! Who has one apple and uncooked pasta in the fridge?

"It's because I had no room" Xen jumped as she heard another voice. She was easily frightened and clumsy, so she stubbed her toe and winced in pain.

"If you are wondering why we have uncooked pasta in the fridge, it's because there was no place elsewhere" Jonathan said.

"That makes sense" actually it made zero sense! He placed his Steele on the counter and turned on the tap while Xen tried to balance on one foot. His hand was covered in blood. Xen wondered if he put an iratze on, or if she should ask him if he was fine. But then again they were not that close. He simply ran his hand through the cold water, as a red stream flowed down the drain. After the blood was cleaned, slashes and cuts were revealed on the palm of his hand. He seemed so unconcerned about Xen's toe or his bloody hand.

"I—um," Xen began to speak, "I think you should use a healing rune for that" He slammed the tap shut, as if he was angered by what Xen said. And without even a sideway glance at Xen, he walked away.

"Or not" Xen muttered under her breath, "What is up his ass?"

She opened the refrigerator and took out the only apple that was in it. Surely it was dangerous to take a lonely apple from a murderer's house, but she was hungry and that was a good enough reason. She bit down on the red and crisp apple. It was sweet, sweeter than any apples they sold in New York. She expected no less because Idris was an holy place where everything was possible, well that's what she has heard. She was truly never interested in going to Idris or learning about the classifications of Demons. She liked to laugh at horror movies, and read her horoscope. She liked to make funny videos of herself only to delete them later, and listen to music for hours. No wonder her mother sent her to the Lightwoods so they could knock some sense into her. She wondered what mother dearest was up to nowadays, probably gossiping with her stupid friends. Her stupid, and mean friends, Xen never did like them very much.

She heard a faint knock on the door, she got up to open it, since she was now going to be a maid she might as well practice.

Outside, an older woman stood. Her hair had gone gray in some parts and her flimsy lips formed a natural frown. She was wearing a black dress with white accents. It kind of looked the those dresses maids wear—Ahhhhh! No way! What if this is the real maid Jonathan had been expecting?

"Hello" Xen said nervously, a bead of sweat formed around her temple. This is it, she thought, I have approximately 5 minutes before my cover is blown. Who knows? Maybe she was a friendly mail lady.

"I am the maid" or maybe not. Who introduces themselves as the maid?  That's like saying 'I am the Shadowhunter'. Maybe Jonathan Shadowhunter said that. "You must be the son"

"The SON!" Xen felt insulted. "Do I look like a boy?"

"Forgive me, I don't have my glasses" she had a raspy voice. She sounded like she smoked too many cigarettes. "But are you the boy?"

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